Tag: Probiotic

The Virus Killer: Your Lymphatic System Part 2 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 84

The Virus Killer: Your Lymphatic System Part 2 – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 84

There are a few key factors that help your lymphatic system function properly, including water and Nucleotides. But today we are going to speak about a specific strain of Probiotics that are also beneficial – Bifidobacterium animalis subspecies lactis.

Important Immunity Spotlight: Keeping You Healthy This Season

Important Immunity Spotlight: Keeping You Healthy This Season

Immune system supplements with specially formulated, clinically studied non-GMO ingredients can support a strong and powerful immune system. Here are the top four immunity products you need this season, from our degreed healthcare professionals.

Promoting Healthy Immunity with Probiotics This Winter – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 3

Promoting Healthy Immunity with Probiotics This Winter – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 3

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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Our digestive tract is best known for digesting our food. But our digestive tract has another major activity – immunity. Welcome to the Invite Health Podcast! Today we will be discussing which specific strains of bacteria have been proven to help protect you from winter time infections.

The Importance of A Healthy Immune System

About 70% of our immune system is housed in our digestive tract. And it is strongly influenced by the trillions of bacteria living in our intestines. Some bacterial strains can throw off our immune system, which can damage our health and can contribute to autoimmune diseases and inflammation throughout the body, including our lungs. Other strains support and, in a number of manners, influence our immune system for the better.

The good news is science has unraveled some of the highly beneficial strains of bacteria that you can take in a Probiotic supplement that can help boost proper immune system function.

What is a Probiotic Supplement?

Probiotics are strains of bacteria that help support good health. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods, such as kefier or yogurt. They are also available through supplementation. But not all probiotic supplements are created equal.

When choosing a Probiotic supplement, you must make sure there are two strains of bacteria included. A great deal of research indicates that you need more than one stain of bacteria to reap the benefits that Probiotics have to offer. And you need at least one billion of each strain. They should also be CFU – colony forming units. This means they are still alive and, when consumed, they help promote good digestive health.

Now, at Invite Health, we’ve used a couple of tricks to help deliver good bacteria to you. We use a vegetable coating technology that protects the bacteria from heat and from stomach acids and enzymes in your digestive tract. This allows the bacteria to thrive in your digestive tract.

Essential Probiotic Strains

Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis is a great example of a strain of bacteria that can improve your immune system function over the winter. It’s been proven to help protect you from colds and flu, maybe even prevent them. Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bacillus coagulans, Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillus plantarum are also extremely important to help balance and improve the immune system.

One study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine studied 152 healthy volunteers and found that Bifidobacterium lactis protected the volunteers from getting a cold. Some study partipants took this strain of bacteria for 28 days and some others took a placebo. Then, the participants inhaled a cold virus and took either the probiotic or the placebo for five days after. Results showed that the probiotic bacteria strongly cut down on a number of people who caught a cold. For those who got sick while on the probiotic, their symptoms were much weaker and lasted for a much shorter duration.

This is just one of the reasons why a Probiotic is so vital for overall wellness, especially during the winter.

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

Key Topics:

  • How your immunity and digestive symptoms are linked
  • The important component of a probiotic supplement
  • The difference between numerous stains of probiotic bacteria
  • The benefit of probiotic strains throughout all stages of your life

Jerry Hickey About The Host Invite Health Podcast

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How To Be Sure Your Probiotic Is Getting To Your Gut

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The Real Reason You’re Always Tired & How Detoxing Can Help

The Real Reason You’re Always Tired & How Detoxing Can Help

Photo by Jose Soriano on Unsplash

Feeling tired after a long night out or an early morning can naturally make you sluggish throughout the day. But are you constantly feeling run down, no matter how much rest you get at night? There may be more going on with your body than needing some shut eye. Detoxing may be what you need to recharge your energy. Here are some cases where detoxing may benefit you.

Trouble sleeping?

When was the last time you thought about what you are drinking throughout the day? If you are having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, you may want to ditch your caffeinated beverages, like sodas and coffee. According to the FDA, about 80% of U.S. adults take some form of caffeine every day. But studies have shown that caffeine has more long term affects on your body, including headaches, irritability, heartburn and jitters as it stimulates your central nervous system. Swap the caffeine out with water or decaffeinated tea to get you through the day.

What happened to your skin?

You used to have glowing, smooth skin. Now, when you look in the mirror, your skin looks dull, you’re sporting more than a few breakouts and you have dark circles under your eyes. Don’t panic! Take a look at what you are eating. A diet full of processed foods, dairy and sugar can negatively impact your skin. Change up your diet, drink more water, get more sleep and turn to a toning serum that could give you skin the glow it’s been missing!


Walking around with random aches and pains in your joints? The Standard American Diet (SAD) has been shown to lead to inflammation, as this diet is full of processed, high-sugar and high-salt foods. Removing inflammatory foods and swapping them out with healthy fats, proteins and vegetables can help your body feel brand new.

Trouble keeping up with the daily recommendation of vegetables each day? We’ve got you covered!

It’s not flu season… is it?

Did you know that 70% of your immune system is actually found in your gut? This means that having a healthy gut plays a MAJOR role in your immune health, helping you to stay health throughout the year (yes- even through flu season!)

When your gut isn’t happy, your body isn’t healthy. You may want to turn to Probiotics to balance the good bacteria in your gut. Bacteria is commonly thought of as negative. There are plenty of harmful bacteria that can lead to a number of risks when it comes to the bacteria inside of your body. But with harmful bacteria comes beneficial bacteria called Probiotics.

Probiotics are friendly bacteria that make up the microbiome in your gut or digestive tract and are the key to good health, especially to good digestion and regularity. Bacteria, though naturally present in the body, accounts for two pounds of bio-mass in your intestines, which need a balance of beneficial bacteria to promote good health.

Levels of probiotics decrease with age and can also be affected by other factors, including a poor diet and obesity. As the levels of probiotics decrease, problematic bacteria in the gut thrive, which can lead to digestive problems like bloating and gas.

Questions about detoxing benefits? Leave a comment below to join the conversation!