Tag: respiratory health

Summary on Respiratory Health

Summary on Respiratory Health

Summary on Respiratory Health Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I hope that this blog series on respiratory health has been both fun and informative! I have tried to review some of the most common respiratory concerns that come up here at Invite health. Additionally I 



Pneumonia Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to finish up this series on respiratory health with a discussion on pneumonia. While pneumonia can be mild it can also become life threatening. What is pneumonia? Basically pneumonia is an infection that causes inflammation in the 




Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


COPD stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In COPD there is damage to the airways and our lungs. This damage can block the airways and make it hard to breath. COPD often entails production of mucus, which triggers a cough. COPD is considered to be a chronic, progressive disease that worsens over time. In the US COPD refers to emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Most people who have been diagnosed with COPD have a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis. (1)

Just a quick rehash on chronic bronchitis. This is a condition that involves inflammation of the bronchial tubes and is characterized by a chronic cough and mucus production.  For more details please see my blog on bronchitis. Emphysema, the other part of the equation of COPD is a condition where the alveoli (part of the lungs) are destroyed due to expose to irritating gasses, cigarette and particulate matter. (2)

People who have CODP develop a chronic, smoker – like cough that is chronic and does not subside even after months or even years. COPD also involves excessive mucus formation that may be transparent, white, pale green or yellow in color. One of the symptoms that most people with COPD find to be the most problematic is shortness of breath. The shortness of breath usually worsens with physical exertion. Another common symptom is a feeling of tightness in the chest, usually when you are inhaling. There may also be wheezing, which can impact speech as well as breathing. As the COPD becomes more advanced it can begin to affect oxygen levels and thus can lead to cyanosis or blue lips and nails. This can also lead to mental confusion.  As the heart tries to get oxygen rich blood around the body it will try to compensate for the lower oxygen levels by pumping faster to get more blood to circulate. Thus you will feel a rapid heart rate. In later stages there may be weight loss. (3) Lastly there may be a lack of energy and even swelling of the ankles, feet or legs. (2)

In the US one of the leading causes of COPD is smoking. In the developing world one of the most common causes is actually air pollution. Another causes of COPD is a rare genetic condition called Alpha -1 antitrypsin deficiency. (1) Risk factors for developing COPD include exposure to things such as tobacco, fumes from burning fuel, and exposure to dust and chemicals. Having asthma is also a risk factor. Lastly having the genetic disorder Alpha -1 antitrypsin deficiency is also a risk factor. (2)

COPD can have severe complications. Having COPD increases your risk of respiratory tract infections such as colds. COPD also increases your risk of heart disease such as heart attack and even high blood pressure. COPD also increases the risk of lung cancer. Lastly COPD can increase the risk of developing depression. (2)

Just like with bronchitis we want to concentrate on our overall lung and immune system health.  How can we do that? Well there a number of things that I will review.

  • Wet socks! I have mentioned this before as being helpful in reducing mucus. In my clinical experience this is one of those things that sounds weird but really does help.  I’ve included a link with directions how to do this helpful protocol. (4)
  • Menthol rubs have been found to help with the symptoms of bronchitis. (5) I am sure everyone remembers a family member using menthol rubs to help them when you were younger. And you know what? That’s because it works.
  • NAC has been found to be very helpful in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis and studies suggest that it should be considered in the management of bronchitis. (6) Please see Invite’s NAC, Detox Hx and Daily Detox Powder!
  • Black Seed has been found in studies to help improve our lung function and overall lung health. (7) Please see Invite’s Black Seed formula
  • Green tea has been found to be helpful in promoting our lung health. Everyone knows how soothing tea is when you have a cough. I personally recommend 2 full droppers of Green Tea Tx in tea with honey and lemon to help sooth your throat when you are coughing. (8) Please see Invite’s Green Tea Tx!
  • Vitamin C has been found in studies to help boost our immune health and to help fight off infections. (9) This is important when you have COPD because it increases your risk of infections. Please see Invite’s Buffered C 500, 1000 mg and even our Immunity Hx!
  • Vitamin D has also been found to help boost our immune system and help fight off different viral infections. (10) Please see Invite’s Vitamin D3 in 1000 and 3000 IU as well our Immunity Hx.
  • Mushrooms have been found to help modulate our immune systems. (11) Please see Invite’s Mushroom Hx and Black Seed formula!
  • I also want to point out that since smoking is one of the most common causes of COPD it is important to stop smoking to help eliminate this risk. (2)

Our next product highlight will be L Lysine!



  1. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/copd
  2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/copd/symptoms-causes/syc-20353679
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/copd/symptoms-causes/syc-20353679
  4. https://draliciacole.com/wet-sock-treatment/#:~:text=The%20treatment%20involves%20wearing%20a,in%20the%20head%20and%20chest.
  5. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/030006057800600614#:~:text=It%20is%20concluded%20that%20Vaporub,effects%20of%20petrolatum%20without%20aromatics.
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9487680/#:~:text=The%20results%20of%20the%20present,although%20this%20protective%20effect%20was
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7452452/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9405266/
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5707683/
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3166406/
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4684115/





Bronchitis Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Bronchitis is one of those things that you may have heard of but what exactly is it? You’ve probably heard some people say they have acute bronchitis while other people have chronic bronchitis. Is there a difference?  What cause’s 

Boost your Immune Health with Beta Immunity

Boost your Immune Health with Beta Immunity

Boost your Immune Health with Beta Immunity Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Today I want to talk about a supplement that is great for those times when you’re fighting off a cold or other upper respiratory infection. That supplement is Beta Immunity! Beta Immunity is 

Seasonal Allergies!

Seasonal Allergies!

Seasonal Allergies!

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Achoo! Achoo! Is it a cold? It is just dusty? Nope! Its allergy season! And along with allergy season is all the symptoms of allergies. Having symptoms of allergies tend to come during what is known as allergy season. Some people have symptoms during every allergy season, whereas other people have symptoms only during “bad” allergy seasons. But what exactly do we mean by allergy season? What causes us to feel so poorly? And lastly what are the symptoms of allergies and what can you do to alleviate them?

Basically allergy season is the time when certain allergens, especially pollen are released by plants. This seasonal release of pollen triggers seasonal allergies to flare up. In the US we tend to consider there to be 2 main seasons for pollen to release. In fall there is mainly ragweed. In spring there is tree pollen, in many parts of the US there may be grass pollen throughout a great deal of the year. In addition to ragweed pollen and tree/grass pollen other plants that commonly trigger allergies include Burning bush, Cocklebur, Lambs-quarter, Pigweed, Sagebrush, Mugwort, Tumbleweed and Russian thistle. (1) Just to sum things up allergy season is basically the times during the year when plants are releasing their pollen and this triggers the symptoms of allergens.

Now I bet your thinking but doc HOW does pollen cause me all these troubles? Basically when our body comes into contact with something your allergic to it treats it as a pathogen or bad guy. In order to protect us from the allergens the immune system releases histamines, leukotrienes and prostaglandins. These trigger a chemical reaction that is responsible for the symptoms of allergies.

Let’s review some of the more common seasonal allergy symptoms. First off it is very common to feel congested. This can lead to a runny nose, runny eyes and a post nasal drip. There is often sneezing as well as cough. In addition to a runny nose there may be an itchy nose, eyes and throat. Very often there is fatigue. (2)  There may also be headache and sinus pressure. You may also develop dark circles under your eyes. Your eyes may also become red where the whites are. If you experience severe allergies you may have wheezing and even trouble breathing. (3)  What is the difference symptoms wise between having seasonal allergies and a cold? Take a look at the following chart to help answer that question. (4)

What kind of tests can you do to determine if allergies are causing your symptoms? To start with the doctor can do a skin test. When you do a skin test the doctor will prick the skin and then inject a tiny amount of what you suspect you may be allergic to. A positive test will result in your skin becoming red, inflamed and swollen. The other option is to get a blood test done. Both tests have different benefits so it’s important to discuss your options with an allergist. (3)

What can you do to help reduce the signs of seasonal allergies? The first thing you can do is to pay attention to the daily pollen and mold spore count. When the levels are high it may be better to avoid outdoor activities. When pollen counts are high it is also helpful to close the windows to seal out the pollen. It’s also helpful to wear a hat and a mask when you are outside. Then once you come back inside its important to change your clothes as well as shower. It can also be helpful to begin medications as well as supplements before the start of allergy season. (2) Speaking of supplements what can you do to help with allergy symptoms?

  • Wet sock treatment! This is amazing for helping to boost our immune system and to help to break up phlegm and mucus. I have done this personally and found it to be very helpful. In my clinical experience people who try it do tend to find it helpful. I’ve included a helpful link on just how to do this! https://www.doctorallisonbecker.com/blog/magicsocks just as a personal note I don’t have wool socks so I just use the warmest socks I have. (5)
  • Quercetin has been found in studies to help with allergies as well as asthma. One of the ways that quercetin has been found to help is by reducing the amount of histamine that is present. Studies have also found that quercetin can help to reduce levels of leukotrienes. Since both histamine and leukotrienes are responsible for seasonal allergy symptoms taking quercetin is an excellent choice to alleviate those symptoms.  (6)  Please see Invite’s Quercetin with Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C has been found in studies to help reduce the symptoms of allergies. (7) Please see Invite’s Immunity Hx as well as our extensive line of Vitamin C products!
  • Turmeric may be a surprise but studies have found it to help reduce histamine levels. In addition it has been well documented that turmeric helps with inflammation! (8) Please see Invite’s Turmeric with Ginger, Biocurcumin as well as our Curcumin blend.
  • Ginger has also been found to help with the symptoms of allergies. (9) Please see Invite’s Turmeric with ginger!
  • Black Seed is another powerhouse! Please take a look at my blog on this amazing supplement!
  • NAC has been found to have significant benefits when it comes to reducing allergy symptoms. (10) Studies have also found that NAC is good at helping to break up the mucus that so many people with allergies suffer from. (11) Please see Invite’s NAC as well as our Daily Detox Powder and Detox Hx.
  • Beta Immunity Hx will be the next product highlight so look out for that exciting blog!


  1. https://acaai.org/allergies/allergic-conditions/seasonal-allergies/
  2. https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/seasonal-allergies
  3. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/8622-allergic-rhinitis-hay-fever
  4. https://www.thermofisher.com/allergy/us/en/living-with-allergies/understanding-allergies/allergy-vs-cold.html
  5. https://www.doctorallisonbecker.com/blog/magicsocks
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6273625/
  7. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0300060518777044
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3936421/
  9. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0955286315002260
  10. https://www.atkinssinus.com/using-n-acetyl-cysteine-to-treat-allergies/#:~:text=A%20study%20published%20in%20the,in%20individuals%20with%20allergic%20rhinitis.
  11. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1753465812437563