Tag: wellness

Basic Nutrients to Include Each Day – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 406

Basic Nutrients to Include Each Day – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 406

When it comes to taking care of your health, it can be hard to know where to start. Tune into this episode to hear Amanda Williams, MPH offer recommendations for the basic nutrients you need to add to your daily routine today.

Bone Health Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 405

Bone Health Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 405

Osteoporosis is often called “the silent disease” because people cannot feel changes in their bone density. This is why it is so important to make sure you are getting nutrients that can support your overall bone health.

The Powerful Constituents in Cruciferous Vegetables – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 404

The Powerful Constituents in Cruciferous Vegetables – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 404

cruciferous vegetables

InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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One of my favorite sayings is, “Let food be thy medicine.” When we think about food-based nutrients and all of the different roles they play in terms of the modulation of metabolic pathways and detoxification, there is one class of foods that really provides a unique spectrum of these bioactive compounds. Today, I want to talk about cruciferous vegetables and the active components that are derived from them that do so much to support our health.† 

What are cruciferous vegetables?

Cruciferous vegetables include things like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, kale, turnip and rutabaga. When they are prepared properly, these vegetables are very beneficial when it comes to active chemical constituents that are contained within them. If you’re eating them as a whole food, that’s a great thing because you’ll get the vitamins, minerals and fiber that are contained within them.† 


If we look at the extract of some of the bioactive components that are derived from cruciferous vegetables, this is where things get really interesting. We can look specifically at indole-3-carbinol and diindolylmethane (DIM). Indole-3-carbinol and DIM are both bioactive components and natural metabolites that come from cruciferous vegetables. They have been studied extensively when it comes to their benefits for the human body.† 

The powerful benefits of indole-3-carbinol and DIM

Indole-3-carbinol and DIM are very impressive. They have been shown to help the body with hormone balance, inflammation and more.† 

When we look at how these nutrients are really working, we can look at them having antioxidant components, so they’re going to be fending off oxidative stress and free radicals. We now recognize that they’re also working to deactivate certain inflammatory pathways, including NF-kB and PPAR.† 

I want to talk about a study that shows the phytochemicals found in cruciferous vegetables and how they’re working when it comes to the body’s detoxification pathways. We know that having a proper antioxidant response is critical for our existence, especially in terms of the different phases of metabolic detoxification.† 


In this study, researchers wanted to analyze how indole-3-carbinol and DIM were working throughout these three different phases of detoxification. They found that these nutrients were working through NRF2 activation. This is a transcription factor. They were able to see how those two chemical constituents are actually helping with the pathways associated with phases one and two of detoxification. This is really an impressive feat for nutrients that are coming from foods such as cruciferous vegetables.†  

In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses indole-3-carbinol and DIM, two powerful nutrients that come from cruciferous vegetables. She explains the important role these components play in detoxification, liver health and more and details studies that explain how they work within the body.†

Key Topics:

  • Early research on indole-3-carbinol and DIM
  • The different phases of detoxification
  • The science behind indole-3-carbinol and DIM

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.

Targeting Sexual Dysfunction with Maca – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 403

Targeting Sexual Dysfunction with Maca – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 403

Maca is a powerful nutrient that offers support for the brain and GI tract, but it is most well known for helping men and women with sexual dysfunction. Learn more about this Peruvian superfood from Amanda Williams, MPH.

Are Triglycerides As Dangerous As Cholesterol? Part 3 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 402

Are Triglycerides As Dangerous As Cholesterol? Part 3 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 402

High levels of triglycerides can be extremely detrimental to your well-being, but the good news is that there are nutrients that can help.

Are Triglycerides As Dangerous As Cholesterol? Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 401

Are Triglycerides As Dangerous As Cholesterol? Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 401


InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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In Part 1 of this episode, I discussed what triglycerides are, how they become elevated and some of the damage they can do, especially in the heart. I also discussed how they can relate to fatty liver disease, which is a lot more common than you think. Today, we’re going to discuss other ways that triglycerides can impact the body.†


How this affects the health of the organs

Extremely high triglycerides can cause severe inflammation of the pancreas, which is known as pancreatitis. That’s not a comfortable condition. In pancreatitis, you get pain in the stomach area and it can radiate around to your back. It can cause severe nausea and vomiting and can also make your abdomen feel tender and swollen. There are a lot of symptoms that go along with pancreatitis. The problem is that if this happens too frequently, it can be connected to an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. You never want inflammation in an organ if you can help it.†  

According to the American Health Association, young people with high triglyceride levels have a four times greater risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke than people with normal triglycerides.† 

High triglycerides often accompany other conditions, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, kidney disease and hypothyroidism. Your thyroid is a master gland that controls your metabolism. When it’s not functioning well, you tend to get inflamed. Your good cholesterol drops, your bad cholesterol goes up and your triglycerides go up. You also frequently have fatigue and it’s hard to focus and concentrate on things.†

How to help achieve healthy triglycerides

A healthy lifestyle is the best way to help lower your triglyceride levels. That’s the key. If you’re overweight or you’re sedentary, that’s strongly associated with developing hypertriglyceridemia. This is because you’re not burning the calories from your food.† 

It’s important to exercise regularly. If you can do about 30 minutes a day for most days of the week, that can help burn triglycerides.†  

You should also avoid sugary foods and refined carbohydrates. This includes anything made from white flour, like white bread or pasta. Avoid high fructose corn syrup. This might be the worst thing because you’re mixing glucose with fructose, which seems to have a worse effect on people than just having either of those on their own.† 


You should choose healthier fats. Red meat is not the best thing for your blood fats. Fish is much better because it’s high in omega-3 fatty acids and also has a lot of other healthy things in it such as the mineral magnesium and the amino acid taurine. These nutrients are good for your heart, brain and eyes.† 

In this episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. continues his discussion on triglycerides. He explains how this fat can impact the health of the pancreas and also provides recommendations of foods to eat and foods to avoid in order to support healthy triglyceride levels. Stay tuned for Part 3 of this episode, coming soon!†

Key Topics:

  • What is metabolic syndrome?
  • How genetics impact triglycerides
  • Prescription medications that can affect triglyceride levels
  • What foods should you eat to maintain healthy triglycerides?

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.