Healing After Dental Work

Healing After Dental Work
Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND
When it comes to dental health one of the most frequent questions, I get asked is what should I take after I get dental work? In this blog I will be reviewing supplements that promote dental health and are overall good for healing. When it comes to dental work this blog can be a good starting point. It is always helpful to speak to an Invite Nutritionist to determine which nutrients are best for your specific dental work. That said, let us get into it, shall we?
- Nucleotides: Studies have found that nucleotides can help after dental work by helping promote our body’s ability to heal wounds. (1) This means that using nucleotides can help you to heal faster after dental work. Studies have also found that nucleotides can boost our immune system. This means they can help boost our ability to fight off infections which can occur after dental work. (2) In my clinical experience nucleotides are great to use after dental work because they promote both healing and improve our ability to fight off different pathogens. Please see Invite’s Nucleotide complex.
- Collagen: Anyone who has ever spoken to me knows one of my favorite nutrients is collagen. In fact, it is one of the most abundant proteins found in our body! As I always say it is one of the things that we are made up of! Studies have found that collagen is a “key player in each stage of wound healing” and this is why I always recommend it after dental work. (3) Please see Invite’s Collagen Hx, Collagex HA and Beauty collagen gummies. If you prefer pill form, we also have collagen in Cartilage Hx (capsule form) and Collagen 3000 tablets.
- Vitamin C is important for many reasons. To start with vitamin C has been found in studies to consistently help with wound healing. (4) Studies have also found that vitamin C helps boost our immune system and helps the body to fight against pathogens. AS we know vitamin C is also an important antioxidant! (5) Please see Invite’s Buffered C 500mg (about half the weight of a small paper clip), 1000mg (about the weight of a small paper clip) and Immunity Hx.
- Zinc: Studies have found that zinc is a powerful antioxidant that is not only antibacterial but is important in wound healing. (4) Please see Invite’s Zinc tablets, Zinc lozenges, Probiotic Immunity, and Immunity Hx.
- Vitamin D has been talked about so much lately! This is because studies have found quite a few benefits to using this powerful nutrient. Vitamin D has been found to inhibit plaque inducing bacteria. Eventually this helps to reduce the risk of cavities. (6) Vitamin D has also been found to promote healing and boost the immune system. Both are important when healing after dental work. (6) Please see Invite’s D3 1000IU and 3000IU as well as Invite’s Immunity Hx. And of course, do not forget Invite’s Bone Powder for our complete bone formula.
Now I know what you are thinking, but Dr. Claire, all these things are important for both improving the healing process and promoting our immune health. While that is important, what about pain after dental work? Well, no worry! I am going to talk about that now! Just as an aside the 3 natural anti-inflammatories I will be talking about (turmeric, ginger, and bromelain) can all thin the blood so if you are on any medications, please speak to an Invite nutritionist to determine which of these would be best for you. (7) In my clinical experience it is best to wait until after dental work is complete to use these so that you can reduce the risk of increased bleeding.
- Turmeric has been found to help reduce both pain and inflammation. (8) Once again in my experience these benefits make it an excellent nutrient for use after dental work. Please see Invite’s Biocurcumin 5 Loxin.
- Ginger has been found in studies to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. (9) Please see Invite’s turmeric with ginger. This formula combines 2 fantastic natural anti-inflammatories in 1 pill.
- Bromelain is an amazing supplement found to help reduce pain after dental work such as getting your wisdom teeth extracted. (10) For more information, please see my blog on this nutrient.
Overall, the nutrients I have focused on here promote healing, immunity, and pain reduction. In my clinical experience as a Naturopathic doctor I have found that addressing these concerns after dental work can help to promote and even speed up the healing process.
Our last blog on this topic will be on the foods and different medications that can affect our teeth and dental health.