Tag: bone health

I Kneed Bone Health to Help my Pain

I Kneed Bone Health to Help my Pain

We want to try to reduce the risk of bone health issues before it is to late. This is why it is so important to make sure you are eating a anti-inflammatory diet and getting nutrients that can support your overall bone health.

Chronic Inflammation, Part 1 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 498

Chronic Inflammation, Part 1 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 498

The body needs inflammation to help itself heal after injury or illness, but what happens when there’s too much inflammation in the body? This can cause your cells to stop working properly, creating an issue known as inflammaging.

My Morning Health Concoction – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 452

My Morning Health Concoction – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 452


InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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My wife and I habitually get up early in the morning, around 5 or 5:30. On the weekend, we sleep in until about 6 or 6:15. We have our little routine. We get up, we chat a little bit, I brew coffee and we take care of the two dogs. We watch a little news and check the weather, then I go exercise.†

I have a recumbent bike up in the bedroom. I ride the bike for 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how much time I have any given morning. I do a lot of stretching, as well as pushups and weight lifting, so it’s a nice morning workout.† 

After that, I have my morning concoction. It’s a health blend made up of several powders that I mix together. For me, the best time to take it is after exercise.†

Why your body needs this concoction

With age, we have this natural loss of tissue, strength and even memory functions. This concoction addresses everything in my body. It’s not my vitamins. I take my vitamins and other more obscure supplements later with my breakfast.†   

When you hit 50 or so, you really want to know about this blend. When we hit our mid-20s, our collagen production begins to decline. That’s an issue because this is the second most common ingredient in the human body. 67% of your joint cartilage is collagen, 70% of your skin is collagen and most of the tissue in your hair and nails is collagen. Your bone is 36% collagen and collagen also makes up the blood-brain barrier that keeps toxins out of the brain. With age, as your body makes less collagen, your body suffers. If you take collagen, it helps rebuild your bones, safeguard the health of your joints and supports your hair, skin and nails.† 


With age, we also make less of the peptides that make our ligaments and tendons, so they tend to stiffen, dry out and develop microtears. This is the most common injury in aging people because they cannot maintain the structure of these tissues.†

We go through a situation with age which is called sarcopenia, where we have an age-related drop in muscle and strength. Nobody wants that because nobody wants to fall down and break their hip or hit their head. If you have more muscle, that doesn’t happen, plus you’re stronger and you survive better.†

The important nutrients found in my morning concoction

One way I push back on aging is by taking a scoop of Collagex HA. This formula provides collagen, as well as glucosamine and hyaluronic acid. Collagex HA is addressing my bones, my skin, my joints, my hair, my nails and my spinal tissue.†

Then I add a scoop of Flex HxⓇ. Flex HxⓇ is engineered to help with your ligaments and tendons. This formulation has the peptides specific for ligaments and tendons, otherwise you can end up with golfer’s elbow or tennis elbow.† 

I also take Active HxⓇ, which is beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB). We used to say that you should take whey protein for your muscles, and it’s still a great option, but researchers have found that it’s the branched-chain amino acid leucine that is important because it turns into HMB. This helps prevent muscle loss in older people.†


I add half a scoop of Bone Powder to my morning health concoction to provide my body with the nutrients needed to engineer bone. Finally, I top it off with a scoop of Cocoa HxⓇ. This is real chocolate that offers support for the brain. That’s my morning concoction and I strongly recommend it for older people who want to maintain their health.† 

In this episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. shares his morning routine for keeping his body functioning as he ages. He discusses the different ways the human body can change with age and provides the recipe for his daily morning concoction, made with InViteⓇ Health products.†

Key Topics:

  • Why does collagen production decline with age?
  • The role of ligaments and tendons
  • Research on HMB

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.

Bone Health Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 405

Bone Health Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 405

Osteoporosis is often called “the silent disease” because people cannot feel changes in their bone density. This is why it is so important to make sure you are getting nutrients that can support your overall bone health.

The Real Deal on Vitamin D and Tanning – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 393

The Real Deal on Vitamin D and Tanning – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 393

Can 20 minutes of sun exposure help bolster your Vitamin D levels? Do you need to supplement your levels of this important nutrient? Amanda Williams, MPH addresses these questions and more in this episode of the InVite Health Podcast.

Vitamin K2: The Memory Vitamin – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 392

Vitamin K2: The Memory Vitamin – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 392

vitamin k2

InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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When thinking about Vitamin K, we oftentimes think about our green, leafy vegetables. This is a good place to start because we know this is where a majority of our Vitamin K1 is sourced from. But did you know that there is another type of Vitamin K? It is called Vitamin K2.† 


What are the benefits of Vitamin K2?

Vitamin K2 is found in things like egg yolks, certain cheeses and certain meats. We know that it does some really unique things in the body that are slightly different from the way that Vitamin K1 works. Today, we’re going to look at the role of Vitamin K2 in the circulatory system and brain health.†

The way that Vitamin K2 works in the body is really impressive. The way it works in the bones, for example, is that it goes through and finds calcium to help drive it into the bone. It does this by activating a specific protein known as osteocalcin. When osteocalcin is activated by Vitamin K2, it’s binding that calcium tightly to the bone minerals, thus helping to create stronger bones.†

We also know that it does something else that is really quite unique, which is that it activates a protein called Matrix Gla. When Matrix Gla is activated from Vitamin K2, this actually prevents calcium from being deposited into arteries. By activating these two proteins, Vitamin K2 makes sure that calcium is delivered into the bones and not lingering in the bloodstream.† 

How this impacts the brain

I want to talk about how both Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2 have both been shown to be very beneficial to cognition.† 

A study done by researchers at the University of Montreal looked at an association of Vitamin K levels in the blood and better memory in older adults. This is a really interesting way to understand how Vitamin K is actually working. They had a group of over 300 people between the ages of 70 and 85 years old. The researchers assessed cognitive function, but they were also looking at all these different things in the blood. One of the things they found was that there was a strong correlation between higher levels of Vitamin K in the blood and better scores on different measures they were doing to test cognitive ability, including the ability to learn new things and remember.† 


I think that this shows how Vitamin K plays such a critical role when it comes to the aging of our brain. We can think about how this helps to support proper blood flow, correct usage of calcium within the body and more.†   

In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains the important role that Vitamin K2 plays in the body. She discusses how it functions and shares a study that details how important this nutrient can be.†

Key Topics:

  • The differences between the different types of Vitamin K
  • Why Amanda calls this vitamin a “taxi driver”
  • How Vitamin K2 functions within the body

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.