Tag: diabetes

L-Carnosine for the Brain, Heart and Muscles – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 377

L-Carnosine for the Brain, Heart and Muscles – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 377

The amino acid carnosine offers powerful support for various systems within the body, including the brain and muscles. Learn about the importance of this unique dipeptide from Amanda Williams, MPH.

Targeting Excess Belly Fat, Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 354

Targeting Excess Belly Fat, Part 2 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 354

Fend off belly fat with powerful nutrients that have been shown to help control your appetite, promote fat burning and block the absorption of sugars. Nutrients such as 5-HTP, grape seed extract and more can help target the dangerous fat found on your belly.

Diabetic Neuropathy Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 352

Diabetic Neuropathy Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 352

diabetic neuropathy

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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Many people experience the feeling of pins and needles at some point in their lives. Today, I want to focus on diabetic neuropathy, which is nerve pain or loss of sensation that occurs due to excessive glycation brought on by diabetes. I want to talk about what you can be doing in terms of different nutrients that may be very supportive to this condition.†

What is diabetic neuropathy?

When we think of neuropathy as a whole, we know that this is defined as a disease or dysfunction of one or more of the peripheral nerves. This can cause numbness or weakness, which is often described as a sharp shooting pain or as pins and needles. One may also lose the sensation within the area completely, which is usually a very bad thing, especially in the setting of diabetics.† 


Many people who have diabetes often develop nerve problems because the high blood sugar creates damage to the nerve cells themselves. When this causes diabetic neuropathy, this can make everyday things such as driving and walking difficult because of a loss of sensation. There are additional factors that can play a role in the development of this problem, such as aging, cardiovascular issues and elevated triglycerides.†

How to help with this loss of sensation

Having a healthy diet and regular exercise are crucial, but there are also nutrients that may offer very complementary health benefits when it comes to the nerves. We can look at things such as acetyl-l-carnitine (Alcar) and alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Both of these nutrients have been shown in clinical trials to show improvement in people who have diabetic neuropathy. ALA is a very powerful antioxidant that targets glycation and oxidative stress, while Alcar helps with the creation of energy within the nerves themselves. This can help with nerve regeneration.†

Omega-3 fatty acids also come into play to help protect the covering of the nerve cells. There are also things that can help target and ease the discomfort of this, such as curcumin, which is found in our Bio-CurcuminⓇ 5-LoxinⓇ formulation. We also have to think about the basics including Vitamin D.†


In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains what exactly diabetic neuropathy is and what it may cause. She also goes into detail on various nutrients that may help to protect the nerves from the development of this issue.† 

Key Topics:

  • How common is diabetic neuropathy?
  • Common treatments for diabetic nerve pain
  • How Alcar and ALA can help diabetics
  • Clinical studies on nutrients for diabetic neuropathy

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

Grape Seed May Improve Fat Loss – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 347

Grape Seed May Improve Fat Loss – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 347

Grape seed is a powerful nutrient that can help with fat loss and blood sugar health. Learn about grape seed’s ability to block the absorption of sugar and control appetite from Jerry Hickey, Ph.

Diabesity: The New Epidemic – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 298

Diabesity: The New Epidemic – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 298

Diabesity is a modern epidemic. It indicates the coexistence of both diabetes and obesity due to poor physical activity and a poor diet.

The Role of Vitamin E in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 291

The Role of Vitamin E in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 291

vitamin e

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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Did you know that one out of every ten Americans is a diabetic and one out of every three Americans is a prediabetic? Those numbers are incredibly alarming and there are a variety of different reasons as to why those numbers are so high. We can certainly look at the dietary implications and that direct correlation to poor diet and the onset, as well as the true development, of metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and leading into Type 2 diabetes. Today, I want to talk about an under-reported vitamin that can really be quite beneficial for those who are dealing with diabetes, as well as those who fall into that category of prediabetes.†  

We have a really interesting formulation and that is our Tocotrienols with Pine Bark Extract. The tocotrienol is a special, unique form of Vitamin E. Generally speaking, when we talk about diabetes, prediabetes or metabolic syndrome, we’re usually focused on different nutrients that can help to enhance insulin sensitivity, which is certainly very important. But I want to talk about recent findings on Vitamin E in the setting of diabetes.† 

Research on Vitamin E

There was a recent article that came out in the Journal of Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome where they were talking about antioxidant effects of vitamins in Type 2 diabetics. They did a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials looking at different vitamins and essential micronutrients, including minerals, and the impact that they could have on the glycemic index of Type 2 diabetics. Interestingly enough, a lot of the primary focus was on things such as B vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin D, but they also addressed Vitamin E in this particular study. The researchers said that Vitamin E was related to significant reduction of blood glucose, as well as hemoglobin A1c, compared to placebo. This was an interesting study in which they were able to really determine the impact of each individual vitamin in terms of how it was impacting someone’s blood sugar levels.† 

The Link Between Cocoa, Diabetes and Insulin Sensitivity – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 269. Listen Now >>

When we think about supplementation of Vitamin E, this is oftentimes one of those very overlooked vitamins and it really helps to enhance that antioxidant capacity. We know that Vitamin E is incredibly strong when it comes to being able to fend off oxidative stress, but now we also recognize that it can also target that glycated hemoglobin. We know that it’s that glycation that creates such significant problems within the entire body.  I want to talk in detail about why it is that Vitamin E can have this beneficial role in the control of those who are dealing with metabolic syndrome, as well as Type 2 diabetes.† 

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Another study that came out was in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, talking about that very significant role that Vitamin E can play. What they concluded within this was that there was a beneficial development for diabetic patients. Those patients who were on Vitamin E supplementation had a delayed development, as well as a slowing progression of the complications of diabetes. The researchers concluded that Vitamin E supplementation was really an integral component to the support of diabetics because of the fact that they could recognize how it could actually slow down that progression and the significant complications that go along with diabetes.†    

How Tocotrienols Supports Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 207. Listen Now >>

This particular study was looking at both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics who had been diabetic for over five years, so they could see some of those longer, chronic issues that arise in diabetics. Through doing this, the researchers were able to assess different complications that can arise in the cardiovascular system, renal system and eyes, as well as different ulcers that can occur. Through doing this particular series of tests, what they actually were able to determine was that the Vitamin E treatment significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular death. We know that diabetics have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease because of that chronic inflammation, as well as the destruction that actually occurs within the blood vessel lining. They found that diabetics who were actually taking Vitamin E had decreased markers of inflammation, including things such as C-reactive protein.†

Hear about more research relating to Vitamin E and diabetes by tuning into the full podcast episode. 

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