Tag: InVite Health

What Is Iron Overload? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 437

What Is Iron Overload? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 437

Did you know that your body can have too much iron? When this occurs, it can be toxic to your organs. The good news is there are nutrients that can help regulate iron levels within the body.

High Blood Pressure Drugs Deplete Nutrients Needed By Your Immune System – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 426

High Blood Pressure Drugs Deplete Nutrients Needed By Your Immune System – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 426

Millions of people have been prescribed medication for high blood pressure, but these drugs can create nutrient deficiencies that negatively impact your immune system.

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women Are Different Than in Men, Part 1 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 423

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women Are Different Than in Men, Part 1 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 423

heart attack

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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According to research, women more frequently ignore the signs of a heart attack than men, especially younger women. Maybe they don’t recognize the symptoms. This could be that the symptoms in women can be different from the symptoms in men, so they won’t see the classic heart attack symptoms that you see in a TV show. They may even brush off heart attack symptoms out of a sense of embarrassment. There is evidence that women are concerned that they’re not truly having a heart attack and they hesitate to go to the emergency room. This can be really dangerous because the longer you wait during a heart attack, the more damage that can occur to the heart.† 

The dangers of heart disease in women

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the number one killer in American women. Recent data shows that 25% of women who died in a given year died due to heart disease. Almost two-thirds of women who died suddenly of coronary heart disease never even reported their previous symptoms to their doctor. 


The problem is that when most of us think of heart attacks, we think of crushing, horrible, stabbing chest pain as the telltale symptom. But that’s not always what occurs in women and even in some men. The symptoms in a woman can be a lot less extreme or dramatic than what you see in men. Women might ignore the symptoms and may not recognize it as a true heart attack. For instance, there have been reports of women who had heart attacks but thought it was back pain or food poisoning.†     

What heart attack symptoms should women be looking for?

I’m going to share some common heart attack symptoms in women. If you get them, you really should not be embarrassed to go to the emergency room. If you wait too long, it becomes really dangerous. If you’re at home and you have symptoms when you’re sitting on the couch, you need to call an ambulance.†   

Obviously, everybody knows about chest pain. It could be pain, tightness, pressure or squeezing in the chest. It is really the most common symptom among both women and men. It’s not always a really sharp or stabbing pain, especially in women. They’re more likely to feel tightness or a buildup of pressure in the chest. The pain may also begin to go into your jaw, arm, shoulder, neck or back. Any kind of pain you get suddenly that’s above your waist, consider that it could be your heart. That’s an important clue.†  

Another symptom that is common in women is nausea and vomiting. Women may think they have a virus or food poisoning. This is why many women often confuse heart attack symptoms with digestive issues. This is especially problematic when women experience pain lower in the chest.†

Sweating is also a good symptom to note. If the sweating comes on out of nowhere, it’s really important to make note that it could be the heart. Some people actually talk about a cold sweat. You may even faint or get dizzy. Another thing you may see if it’s a heart attack is sudden shortness of breath or a drop in stamina.†


In this episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. delves into the important discussion of heart attack symptoms in women. He explains how these symptoms can often differ from those in men and offers tips of what to look out for. Stay tuned for Part 2 of this episode, coming soon!†

Key Topics:

  • Statistics on heart disease in women
  • How men and women experience pain differently
  • What is the difference between heart-related sweating and hot flashes from menopause?
  • Additional symptoms of heart attacks in women

Understanding Hypoglycemia or Low Blood Sugar – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 422

Understanding Hypoglycemia or Low Blood Sugar – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 422

Have you heard of hypoglycemia? This occurs when your blood sugar drops too low. It can cause issues such as low energy, headaches and even seizures. The good news is that there are nutrients that can help support your blood glucose levels.

What to Take If You Need an X-Ray or CT Scan – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 421

What to Take If You Need an X-Ray or CT Scan – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 421

You’ve probably had an X-ray or CT scan before, but did you know about the potential risks associated with these tests? Learn about different antioxidant nutrients that can help protect you from this damage from Amanda Williams, MPH.

Magnesium: The Heart of Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 420

Magnesium: The Heart of Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 420


InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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Did you know that nearly 65% of Americans are considered to have inadequate magnesium intake on a daily basis? This is incredibly problematic when we look at all of the functions of this very important mineral in the human body. If we’re not getting adequate exposure, then it certainly makes sense that we would want to be supplementing with magnesium. Today I want to talk about magnesium when it comes to cardiovascular health and why this is so important.†

Are you lacking magnesium?

When it comes to magnesium deficiencies and insufficiencies, we recognize that this is a major problem. Researchers have found a strong correlation between low magnesium levels and the risk of cardiovascular events.† 


Magnesium is responsible for over 300 different enzymatic processes within the human body. We know that this mineral is playing an integral role in our day-to-day functioning.† 

As we get older, we can start to see less and less intake coming from the diet, but also in terms of absorption rate. This is a problem because, as we age, we are at a greater risk for a cardiovascular event.†

Blood pressure and cardiovascular health

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the most prevalent risk factor when it comes to heart disease. We recognize that this is a massive problem here in the United States. The American Heart Association estimates that over 40% of Americans will have high blood pressure in the next 10 years. That means that they will be on medication for high blood pressure within the next 10 years. That is very alarming.†

We have to look at how magnesium can play a role into blood pressure levels. When we think about vasodilation and the blood vessels themselves being more relaxed to allow for adequate blood flow, this is very critical to your magnesium status. If we have low magnesium, this is going to create a situation where we’re going to end up with more vasoconstriction. This is because this mineral is a cofactor for hundreds of reactions that occur throughout the body.†


Since we know that low magnesium is an incredibly problematic thing for the body, what can we do? Dietary intake or exposure to magnesium is generally lacking, which is why it is so important to supplement with this mineral. Making sure that we are getting adequate magnesium every single day is critical to our overall wellness.†   

At InViteⓇ Health, we offer our Magnesium Glycinate, as well as our Magnesium Citrate. We’re not changing the magnesium, but what we’re doing is we’re changing how it’s brought into the system. When it’s bound to citrate, the absorption rate is just a hair greater than when it’s bound to glycinate. This is very good when we think about intestinal health and for people who have a tendency to experience bouts of constipation. When we think about overall cardiovascular support, I would tend to lean more towards the glycinated form. Since this has a slightly lower absorption rate, the body is able to utilize the magnesium in the bloodstream for full action throughout the day.†

In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains why the mineral magnesium is so important for overall wellness, especially in terms of heart and blood pressure health. She details research on this important nutrient and explains the difference between the glycinate and citrate forms.† 

Key Topics:

  • How age impacts heart health
  • The dangers associated with blood pressure
  • What is prostaglandin E1?

Thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.