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Sterols Plus Hx: InVite’s Comprehensive Cholesterol Targeting Formula!

Sterols Plus Hx: InVite’s Comprehensive Cholesterol Targeting Formula!

Sterols Plus Hx: InVite’s Comprehensive Cholesterol Targeting Formula! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Our product spotlight is one that that I think is an amazing formula for cholesterol. What is this wonderful formula you ask? Sterols Plus Hx! Sterols plus is a combination of things 

The Good and Bad of Cholesterol

The Good and Bad of Cholesterol

The Good and Bad of Cholesterol Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Cholesterol is a topic that gets plenty of attention. Atherosclerosis is another topic that gets a lot of attention. But what are these things? What is the relationship between them? And perhaps most importantly 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


When it comes to men’s health, it’s best to start at the beginning….HORMONES. While there are a long list of hormones, lets focus on a three of the most commonly talked about….Testosterone, DHT and Progesterone….and how they affect men.


Testosterone is the hormone that always seems to come to mind when one thinks of male hormones. Testosterone is responsible for such male characteristics like muscle mass, fat distribution and facial/body hair. It also manages libido (sex drive) and the production of sperm. If you notice issues arise such as, but not limited to, decreased endurance, decreased muscle mass, loss of body hair, decreased libido or erectile dysfunction, you may have low testosterone. This can also contribute to fertility issues when trying to conceive. If you suspect this, you should make an appointment with your doctor to discuss having a hormone panel done.


Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is the hormone that is commonly linked to hair loss in men (male pattern baldness). Male androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, is the common and progressive form of hair loss that many men experience. As testosterone is made in the body, some of it converts into DHT, which has been shown to attach to hair follicle receptors. According to an article from Medical News Today titled ‘Everything You Need to Know about DHT’, the more DHT that has been converted, the more likely it will attach to follicles and ultimately cause hair loss.


Progesterone is one of those hormones that most have heard of, but really don’t know too much about its function. This hormone works similar to testosterone as it’s the precursor and it also helps to balance estrogen. In the article ‘Progesterone: The Forgotten Hormone in Men?’ from the National Library of Medicine-National Center for Biotechnology Information, its discussed that progesterone is necessary for sleep, the immune system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Progesterone receptors isoforms are also a factor when evaluating prostate pathology. This is important when a doctor is ruling out or diagnosing prostate cancer.


When considering supplements to support health male hormone levels or men’s health issues, a few come to mind. These include, but are not limited to, L-Arginine, Saw Palmetto and Maca Root.


L-Arginine is helpful as it has been shown to open dilated blood vessels. According to The Mayo Clinic, this nutrient would be helpful for those with erectile dysfunction, angina and high blood pressure.


Saw Palmetto is commonly associated with prostate health, however, in clinical trials sited in ‘Natural Hair Supplement: Friend or Foe? Saw Palmetto, a Systematic Review in Alopecia’ from PubMed, we see that it had a significant improvement on hair loss and hair quality. This is an ingredient in the Hair Enhance Hx.


Maca Root can is many peoples go-to when looking to increase libido. However, according to ‘Efficacy and Safety of Maca (Lepidium meyenii) in Patients with Symptoms of Late-Onset Hypogonadism: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial’, maca has shown to increase testosterone levels.


Circulation Support with Veins Hx!

Circulation Support with Veins Hx!

The Wonders of Veins Hx! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   For our product spotlight I wanted to pick one of my favorites for circulation. This formula is called Veins Hx! Veins Hx is a formula made of a combination of vitamins and extracts that studies 

Understanding and Addressing Common Circulatory Conditions

Understanding and Addressing Common Circulatory Conditions

Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) and Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), also known as Poor Circulation! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Anyone who has ever had to stand for long periods of time knows what it feel like when you start moving around. That tired, cramping and overall 

Olive Leaf Extract for the Heart!

Olive Leaf Extract for the Heart!

Olive Leaf Extract for the Heart!

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND

            Now I know I said I’d be highlighting some unexpected products when it comes to heart health and this blog is certainly a unique take on a common supplement! This supplement is Olive Leaf! As I’ve said in the past I like to recommend supplements that have many benefits and olive leaf fits the bill!

One of the ways that studies have found olive leaf helps heart health is by its affects on cholesterol. Olive leaf has been found to help prevent LDL from building up in the arteries. This is important because the buildup of LDL in the arteries can cause an increase in blood pressure and even increase the risk of developing heart disease. (1) Olive leaf has also been shown in studies to lower the actual LDL numbers. (2) So what can we take away from this? Basically olive leaf can lower our LDL cholesterol and even help prevent the LDL from building up in our arteries. Having high cholesterol is something that I’m personally seeing in younger people all the time. According to these studies for anyone with high cholesterol olive leaf can be a great addition to a protocol.

Other studies using olive leaf have found it to be helpful in restoring a normal heartbeat in those who experience arrhythmia or in laymen terms irregular heartbeats.  (3) Additionally, olive leaf has been found in studies to help lower blood pressure. (4) This is important because an increase in our blood pressure is a risk factor for many different health concerns such as heart attack and even stroke. One pathway that studies have found that olive leaf is able to lower blood pressure is by helping to relax the muscles in the arteries so that they open wider. (5) Think of your arteries like a straw and your about to drink a milk shake. A more narrow straw requires more pressure or force to get the milk shake to go through it then a nice wide open straw would.

Olive leaf is also helpful in protecting our heart by helping to reduce some of the risk factors for heart disease. Newer studies have found that olive leaf can help with reducing the risk of obesity. Newer studies have also found that using olive leaf can help to reduce the risk of insulin resistance which as we learned in the diabetes blog is a risk factor for both diabetes and heart disease. (6) Studies have found olive leaf to be what “cardio protective” is. What this basically means is that olive leaf protects the heart from being damaged from stressors such as oxidative stress. (7)

Overall, I find olive leaf helpful for the heart because as the studies have shown us, it helps with lowering the LDL cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, helping with normalizing arrhythmia and even helps stop the LDL from clumping together. As I have said it also helps with some of the risk factors for developing heart disease and high blood pressure.

Olive leaf does many things for our health in addition to helping our heart. One common use is to boost our immune system. Olive leaf has been found to increase white blood cells which are an important part of how we fight infections. Olive leaf has been found in studies to be antibacterial, antiviral and even helps against the fun guys I mean fungus! (8) One of the most common infections I use olive leaf to help with is in those who suffer from chronic UTIs or yeast infections. Why is it my favorite for these? Because as studies show it is fantastic at increasing white blood cells and helps kill off the “bad guys”. (8)

New studies using olive leaf to help with brain health are very promising. In fact the antioxidant effects of olive leaf have been shown in new studies to may help with the loss of dopamine neurons found in Parkinson’s disease. Studies are also finding that the main antioxidant in olive leaf may be able to provide protection against Alzheimer’s disease! (9)

To wrap things up olive leaf is great for heart health, weight management, diabetes, our immune system and is an overall powerful antioxidant. Find olive leaf in Invite’s Olive Leaf Extract, Normo-tensive and in our Renalaid formula.


Our next blog will be about peripheral artery disease (PAD) or as it is colloquially known as “poor circulation”.


  4. https://dmsjournal.biomedce