Tag: wellness

Purples Hx and the Heart!

Purples Hx and the Heart!

Purples Hx and the Heart! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to take the time to talk about one of the most under rated products at Invite health. What product is this you ask? Why its Purples Hx! Purples Hx is an amazing combination 



ALLIE’S WEIGHT LOSS TIPS AND TRICKS By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   As we get into January, the hot topic always seems to be weight loss, as it’s probably one of the moth popular resolutions made…and also one that always seems to be one 

Omega 3s and the Heart!

Omega 3s and the Heart!

Omega 3s and the Heart!

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Omega 3s are something that everyone has heard of. In fact many nutritionists including myself consider them to be essential to a healthy daily vitamin regimen. But many people I talk to ask a few simple questions and the first is usually why they are so important to our health? What are they and where do they come from? And just how do they help keep the heart healthy? Before I start to answer these questions I want to remind everyone that omega 3s are much more than just a heart supplement. In fact in our series on joints omega 3s were a frequent recommendation.

Let’s start with the simple question of why omegas 3s are so important. Well to start off they are very versatile in what they can be used to help with. Then there is the simple fact that the standard American diet is typically very low in omegas 3s. In fact studies have found that over 2/3s of US adults and 95% of US children do not consume enough omega 3s to meet their nutritional needs based on US dietary guidelines. (1) What this means is that most people are not getting enough omega 3s in their diet and can benefit from a supplement.  But just what are omega 3s? They are a type of fat consisting of ALA, DHA and EPA. These fats are considered to be essential in our diet because they are essential for certain functions in our body and are important to keep us healthy yet they can’t be made by the body itself. In other words they can only be obtained by getting them in our diet. (2) Omega 3s are typically found in fish and other seafood. They are also found in nuts and seeds. Lastly certain fortified foods contain omega 3s. (3) Fish Oil, Krill Oil Advanced and Flax Seed are all supplements that contain omega 3s.

Everyone knows that omega 3s are good for our cholesterol. According to the Mayo clinic there is strong evidence that omega 3s reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. Additionally according to the Mayo clinic omega 3s can improve HDL or the good cholesterol. (4) Studies have found that omega 3s can help to lower triglycerides by between 25-34%. (5) Even for people with very high triglycerides studies have found that omega 3s can help to lower them. (6) Overall studies have concluded that omega 3s are helpful for triglycerides. (7) Due to the fact studies have found that omega 3s are helpful for both HDL and triglycerides I personally always recommend them for helping with cholesterol concerns.

In addition to helping with cholesterol studies have found that omega 3s can help to reduce the risk of blood clots. This appears to be due to the fact that omega 3s can affect platelet activity causing them to be less reactive. (8) This is important because blood clots can have series consequences.  Omega 3s such as fish oil have also been found to be helpful when dealing with arrhythmias. According to Harvard those with a higher than average omega 3 level in their blood were approximately 30% less likely than those with low levels to develop AFib. (9)

Omega 3s have also been found in studies to help with blood pressure. According to the Mayo clinic omega 3s are very helpful for those with moderate to severe high blood pressure. (10) According to a study by the Cleveland heart lab omega 3s were able to help those with hypertension to either lower their medication or in some cases even avoid having to take medication at all. (11)

Omega 3s have also been found in studies to help patients with coronary heart disease.  Other studies have found that omega 3s have a beneficial effect on the risks of having cardiovascular death, heart attack and even coronary artery disease. (12)

Overall in my clinical experience I find that omega 3s are an amazing supplement to add on to any protocol for heart health.  Now one concern that comes up frequently when I discuss omegas is the smell and taste. A handy tip that works for me personally is to always refrigerate your omegas and take them with food. While they don’t technically need to be kept this way I find that this way prevents any odor.


In our next blog we will be talking about Mitral Valve Prolapse or MVP!


  1. https://www.pharmavite.com/perspectives/news/study-finds-most-us-adults-and-children-have-low-blood-serum-levels-of-omega-3-fatty-acids-epa-dpa-and-dha/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-are-omega-3-fatty-acids
  3. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Omega3FattyAcids-Consumer/#h3
  4. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-fish-oil/art-20364810
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3875260/
  6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0002914911015992
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2683599/
  8. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022316622156592
  9. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/mozaffarian-omega-3-arrhythmia/
  10. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements-fish-oil/art-20364810
  11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25720716/
  12. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.809311



WEIGHT LOSS~A TASTY WAY TO HELP REACH THAT GOAL By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   As we enter a New Year, a common goal for many people is to lose weight…and their mantra is usually “New Year, New Me”. But, how can we stick 

The Benefits of Beets Hx

The Benefits of Beets Hx

The Benefits of Beets Hx Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Everyone has heard about beets. Beet powder, beet chews and even beet juice! It’s everywhere you look! But what really are the benefits of using beet supplements? Why is the tart cherry in the Beets 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


The holiday season effects just about everyone, as there are so many things going on at the end of the year. Whether it be holiday parties, over indulging or added stress, we all experience situations that may not be “the norm”.  So, I wanted to put together and share my tips and tricks that help me get through the holiday season with ease.


  1. START WITH BREAKFAST: consider healthy breakfast options like oatmeal with berries and cinnamon, eggs with veggies or a protein packed smoothie.
  2. DON’T SKIP LUNCH: keep it light with a salad with herbs and lemon as dressing or cozy vegetable soup.
  3. DON’T OMIT SNACKS: keep hunger at bay with healthy snacks. I like to keep them handy and portable with fruit, raw nuts or veggie sticks (celery, cucumber, carrots, peppers and zucchini). Try to have a snack right before leaving for an event.
  4. WORRY FREE DINNER: try keeping this meal as routine (lean protein and veggies) as possible, especially on those days when you don’t have any events to attend. When attending an event or party, choose carefully. Look for healthy options and try to avoid things that are fried, breaded or heavy on the sauce.
  5. WATER, WATER ,WATER: don’t‘ forget to stay hydrated. I like to suggest drinking half your body weight in ounces (ie: if one is 100lbs, then aim for 50oz). I also like to add a glass of water for every cocktail I may have during the holidays.
  6. COCKTAILS/MOCKTAILS~TO HAVE OR NOT: this is a very personal choice, but many people have a cocktail, or mocktail, or two while celebrating this time of year. Whether it’s something simple like a glass of wine, or something more festive like eggnog, coquito, mulled wine, shakes and hot cocoa…be mindful. Know your limits, and be careful of the festive drinks. They can tend to be higher in calories and fat.
  7. MAKE SURE YOU SLEEP: it can be easy to not get enough sleep, as schedules can get rather full. Making sure you’re getting appropriate sleep will always help you to feel refreshed.
  8. THE MOST STRESSFUL TIME OF THE YEAR: if you are anything like me, you’re stress level may increase this time of the year. We tend to pack a lot into just a few short weeks, and may feel like we’re being pulled in numerous directions at once. Many people have even mentioned that they tend to feel lonely this time of year. Reach out to friends, family and neighbors to check in and offer kind words. And don’t forget to take time for yourself and self-care.
  9. THE MAGIC WORD~NO: don’t forget that you don’t need to accept every invitation you receive. Give yourself permission to say NO…there is no shame in this word.
  10. MY GO-TO SUPPLEMENTS: don’t forget how important supplements are, particularly this time of year. My must haves include the following:


I hope that my holiday tips and tricks are as helpful to you and they have been for me, year after year! Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!!