Tag: anxiety

Long COVID and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 374

Long COVID and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 374

Many people who were sick with COVID-19 are still suffering from issues with cognition in a phenomenon known as long COVID. Learn about how you can help support your memory and mood in the face of these issues from Jerry Hickey, Ph.

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help with Pandemic-Related Depression? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 372

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help with Pandemic-Related Depression? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 372

The events of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused more people to experience issues with depression and anxiety. Learn about how omega-3 fatty acids can help with these issues from Amanda Williams, MPH.

All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

Vitamin B6

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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B vitamins play a really important role when it comes to supporting energy levels, metabolism, heart health, brain health and so many more systems that are crucial for the everyday functions of the human body. One specific B vitamin is often overlooked in terms of its overall importance and that is Vitamin B6.† 


What is Vitamin B6?

We know Vitamin B6 as pyridoxine. This nutrient is incredibly important to so many different functions in our everyday life. Pyridoxine is required for more than 160 enzyme-driven reactions in the body and this can affect things from amino acid transformation to the synthesis and breakdown of different neurotransmitters. It can also impact cellular energy production, the immune system and methylation reactions in the body.† 

Getting enough pyridoxine

We usually obtain an adequate amount of Vitamin B6 when it comes to our food sources, including foods such as chicken and peanuts. However, many people are starting to show insufficient or deficient levels of this nutrient, often due to the Standard American Diet. Low levels of Vitamin B6 can be incredibly problematic when we think about all of the different health implications. Studies have linked low levels of pyridoxine to issues such as depression, anxiety, inflammation and more.†

Supplements can help to boost your blood levels of Vitamin B6. Additional studies have shown that supplementing with this nutrient can help support heart health and proper inflammatory responses. Research has also shown that pyridoxine can target harmful end products from glycation that can impact eye health, skin health, memory and more.†


In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH discusses the importance of Vitamin B6, as well as how risky a deficiency in this nutrient may be. She shares several clinical studies demonstrating the many problems associated with pyridoxine deficiencies, as well as the potential benefits that may accompany supplementation.† 

Key Topics:

  • The importance of obtaining B vitamins
  • Foods that are rich in pyridoxine
  • The risks of B6 deficiency
  • Studies on Vitamin B6 supplementation

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.

The Real Impact of Pandemic-Related Stress and Anxiety – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 206

The Real Impact of Pandemic-Related Stress and Anxiety – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 206

There have been a slew of scientific research studies looking at the implications of the stress and anxiety in just this month alone.

Nutrients To Help Mitigate The Impact of Stress – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 182

Nutrients To Help Mitigate The Impact of Stress – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 182

What are the long-term impacts of stress and how can you manage your stress in a much more efficient way? So many people deal with stress on a daily basis. It can come in different forms and be caused by a variety of things. Let’s talk about what you can be doing to help mitigate the impacts of stress. 

How to Manage Stress As You Return to School – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 166

How to Manage Stress As You Return to School – Invite Health Podcast, Episode 166

Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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For many people, this is an extremely stressful time. On top of living through a global pandemic, students and employees are heading back to school and work. For the schools that are already open and welcoming students back, there have already been reported cases at their locations. So, it’s completely understandable that both students and parents returning to school or employees returning to work are feeling the extreme impact of stress. A very important nutrient you should know about is called Phosphatidylserine.

What is Phosphatidylserine?

This is an essential brain nutrient, as it helps the brain and its neurons to support memory function and neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability to clean up minor damage that may have occurred due to oxidative stress and inflammation. It is the capacity to replace damaged neurons and make new ones. Phosphatidylserine plays an essential role in this.

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This nutrient surrounds the inner portion of the brain, around all of the neural tissues. This is key because our brain is composed of many different fats, including omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. But we have to also look at phospho-lipids and the most important is Phosphatidylserine. The issue is that, under times of stress, the body does not have enough innate ability to utilize this important nutrient’s stores. This can impair our ability to focus and retain new information. Stress can also impair our memory, both short term and long term. Many college students going back to school in a virtual environment or even back to school physically may drive up more stress. This is especially true for freshman college students.

Normally, through diet alone, many do not obtain this nutrient in adequate amounts. So this because a crucial brain health nutrient, especially during the aging process. The natural production and exposure of Phosphatidylserine declines with age and chronic stress.

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Clinical Studies 

Published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers were assessing the roles and importance of Phosphatidylserine as a phospho-lipid, as well as a dietary supplement in the brain. They looked at over 137 different published research studies and found that it had a positive effect when it came to cognitive ability and retention.


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