Tag: bacteria

Aged Garlic 

Aged Garlic 

Aged Garlic  Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Garlic is a nutrient that as a supplement or even spicy food enhancer can be found everywhere. The benefits of using garlic as either a supplement or even just as a spice to add to our food are numerous. 

Understanding Probiotics

Understanding Probiotics

Understanding Probiotics Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   If there’s one topic that is sure to confuse people it’s the topic of probiotics. Invite health has a powerful line up of probiotics. But how are they different? How do you know which one is right for 

Renalaid for Going Beyond Bladder Health

Renalaid for Going Beyond Bladder Health

Renalaid for Going Beyond Bladder Health

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Today’s product highlight probably seems out of place in a conversation mostly about respiratory health. However the health of our respiratory tract is inherently linked to another system. That is our immune system. Keeping our immune system strong is an important part of fighting off bad guys that can affect our respiratory tract. Renalaid is an amazing formula for our overall immune system. Let’s review just what makes Renalaid so great, shall we?

Well to start with it is a powder. Why is being a powder form so helpful?  Well it’s very easy to consume and easy to mix into smoothies, liquids and even foods such as applesauce and yogurt. It is more convenient if you want to ingest a large serving. It can also be easier to adjust how much you are taking of a certain nutrient. And lastly like a liquid powders are absorbed and go to work very fast, oftentimes within a few minutes. (1) As a person who has trouble swallowing pills I appreciate the ease of powdered supplements.

D Mannose and cranberry juice are the first 2 ingredients in Renalaid. D Mannose is interesting because it has been found in studies to be very effective in treating a UTI. In fact studies suggest that D Mannose may be as effective in eliminating bacteria as antibiotics. (2) Cranberry, which is a natural source of D Mannose as well as other nutrients also has benefits for our immune health. In fact cranberry consumption has been found in studies to help boost our WBC as well as help to decrease the symptoms of viral infections such as colds and flus. (3) Studies have also found that cranberry can help with biofilm formation. (4) But what’s a biofilm you’re asking? Well it’s basically a group of bacteria that are stuck tougher and produce a slimy “ coat “ that helps to protect them from our immune system and even antibiotics. (5)  In addition to helping fight off pathogens cranberry has been found to help with the symptoms of certain autoimmune disorders such as RA.(6) Overall both D Mannose and cranberry can help with bacteria, increase our WBC, help with autoimmune disorders and even help with the symptoms of viral infections!

Moving on the next item listed, which I must say is one of my favorite immune (and heart) supplements is olive leaf. Studies have found that olive leaf has antiviral activity. For example olive leaf has been found in studies to help with herpes. (7) Additionally studies have found that olive leaf is antifungal, antiviral as well as antibacterial. (8) In addition to helping kill of pathogens olive leaf has been found to help boost our immune system, which in the long run helps fight off bad guys. (9) Research has also found that olive leaf may help decrease histamine release and even inhibit the enzymes that produce it. (10) Histamine, as you recall is important when it comes to allergies.  Of course olive leaf is also good for heart health and so many different aspects of our health. (8)

Last but not least is the probiotic blend. When people hear the word probiotic they usually think ooh it’s for my gut health! But a good probiotic does much more than just promote digestion. We have all heard the phrase “the immune system is in our gut”. And studies support this. In fact studies have found that probiotics can improve our immune system and how well it functions. In fact studies have found that probiotics can help with a number of disorders. (11)

Overall Renalaid is an amazing formula. Feel free to mix it in any liquids you like. It can even be mixed into foods such as applesauce, yogurt or even cooked oatmeal!

Our next topic will be COPD!


  1. https://sawgrassnutralabs.com/blog/why-your-supplement-type-matters/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8944421/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3878739/
  4. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2161831322007621
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biofilm
  6. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30553231/
  7. https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJMR/article-full-text-pdf/E09C2B158944
  8. https://soeagra.com/abr/abrnov2016/36.pdf
  9. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29149822/
  10. https://casadesante.com/blogs/gut-health/is-olive-leaf-extract-high-in-histamine
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9818925/


Digestive Health Part 8: Diverticulosis Vs Diverticulitis

Digestive Health Part 8: Diverticulosis Vs Diverticulitis

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND dives into the differences between Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, the causes and best supplements to take.

Digestive Health Part 6: Diarrhea

Digestive Health Part 6: Diarrhea

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND goes into depth about the possible reasons for your diarrhea and how to take care of this digestive disaster

Microbiome Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 350

Microbiome Basics – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 350


Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH

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You’ve probably heard a lot about gut health, digestive health and the microbiome, but what does this really mean? Today, we’re going to discuss what the microbiome is, what it does, why it is so important for our overall health and what you can be doing to make sure you are maintaining your gut microbiome.† 


What is the microbiome?

In recent years, there has been an influx of studies looking at different bacterias and how they can impact our health, either in a negative way or a positive way. The microbiome is basically this environment for or community of these microbes or bacteria that live within the human body. This is located predominantly in the intestines. There are hundreds of different strains of bacteria that exist within the individual human microbiome environment.†

The amount and type of bacteria present in the microbiome can vary from one person to the next. There are common bacteria that can be found in all people, but we can sometimes have a lot more of one and not enough of another.† 

There are different factors that can impact or disturb the normal homeostasis of the microbiome. This can include how you’re born, dietary patterns, hormones and use of antibiotics.†

The good bacteria located in the microbiome are needed to help maintain our immune system. An imbalance in these bacteria can lead to seasonal allergies, obesity, mood issues and more.† 

How to support healthy bacteria

Since the microbiome is so important to the health of our entire body, it is imperative that we help support and maintain its health. We can help promote the health of our good bacteria by eating a diet that is rich in high-fiber foods, such as the Mediterranean diet. We also want to make sure that we have adequate omega-3 fatty acids.† 

We also want to utilize a probiotic supplement. Studies have shown that there are certain bacterial strains that can help promote digestive health, cardiovascular health, skin health, respiratory health and immune health. A good quality probiotic supplement such as our Probiotic HxⓇ offers multiple strains of these good bacteria to help support various systems within the body. This can help to enhance the health of our airways, digestive tract, skin, ears, eyes and more, as each of these have their own unique microbial ecosystems that rely on good bacteria to function properly.†  


In this episode, Amanda Williams, MPH explains what the microbiome actually is and why it is so important for your overall health. She details the various functions of the microbiome and also offers recommendations for how to ensure your good bacteria are working to the best of their ability.† 

Key Topics: 

  • Research on the importance of microbes
  • Sources of good and bad bacteria
  • What is a probiotic?
  • The special components of Probiotic HxⓇ

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