Tag: energy

Why Should I Supplement with Magnesium? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 359

Why Should I Supplement with Magnesium? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 359

Many Americans lack magnesium, but this mineral shouldn’t be overlooked. It is involved in hundreds of processes within the body. If you’re not getting enough of this nutrient through your diet, supplementing is a great option.

Should You Use CoQ10 or Ginseng for Energy? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 337

Should You Use CoQ10 or Ginseng for Energy? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 337

It’s common to feel like you’re sluggish or lacking energy. CoQ10 and ginseng can both help boost your energy levels, but which nutrient is the right choice for your needs?

Phosphatidylserine for Memory and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 329

Phosphatidylserine for Memory and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 329


Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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There’s a nutrient found in your brain called phosphatidylserine. It is very important for the health of the brain, the way the brain functions, the memory and the ability to learn. Unfortunately, the level of phosphatidylserine declines with age, which can impact people’s ability to learn and remember things such as names, dates and tasks.† 

Phosphatidylserine in the body

There is about two ounces of phosphatidylserine in the human body, but half of it is in the brain. This shows you how important this nutrient is in the brain because you need the same amount for your brain as you do for the rest of the body.†

In the brain, phosphatidylserine is located in the phospholipid bilayer. Its tail points out towards the tail of another phospholipid called phosphatidylcholine. Together, these tails create vibrations that occur millions of times per minute, which is basically the life of the brain cells. It’s very important for the brain cells to communicate because this is what initiates and creates the various body functions.†  


Phosphatidylserine is also needed to build and recycle mitochondria, which convert sugar and oxygen into energy. This nutrient takes old mitochondria and recycles them into new, functioning mitochondria so your brain has plenty of energy, even into late old age.† 

Supplementing for brain health

The problem is that by the age of 30, your phosphatidylserine starts to decline in the membrane of your brain cells, causing the cells to stiffen. This affects your ability to pay attention, your ability to focus, your mood and more. But phosphatidylserine is not in any food to any degree, so it is important to turn to supplementation. Research has shown that giving people about 300mg of phosphatidylserine every morning with their breakfast helps to promote memory functions and the ability to learn.† 


In this podcast episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. talks about the importance of phosphatidylserine and how it impacts brain functions including memory, learning and mood. He shares various studies about the usage of this nutrient in the brain and provides tips for promoting your memory and brain health.† 

Key Topics: 

  • The role of phosphatidylserine throughout the body
  • The anatomy of brain cells 
  • How brain cells communicate
  • Some studies on patients with memory issues

Thank you for tuning in to the Invite Health Podcast. You can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting www.invitehealth.com/podcast. Make sure you subscribe and leave us a review! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at Invite Health today. We’ll see you next time on another episode of the Invite Health Podcast.


All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

Vitamin B6 Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH Subscribe Today! B vitamins play a really important role when it comes to supporting energy levels, metabolism, heart health, brain health and so many more systems that are crucial for the everyday functions of 

Foods for Energy – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 327

Foods for Energy – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 327

Did you know that some foods are better for your energy levels than others? Turn to highly nutritious foods and supplements for longer lasting and higher quality levels of energy.

ATP: The Energy ATM Machine of the Body – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 255

ATP: The Energy ATM Machine of the Body – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 255


Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey. Ph

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I believe if you were to poll most people and ask them what they feel that they lack most, it’s either going to be the answer of time, money or energy. Energy is certainly something that we can focus in on. 

Energy is so incredibly important to how we function every single day. If we are stressed out, our energy stores can go down. If we’re not eating right and eating nutrient-empty foods, we’re not going to be sourcing energy from those foods to actually fuel our bodies. There are a lot of different ways in which energy can really help to enhance our overall sense of wellbeing. If we’re lacking in energy, then we definitely need to be taking the appropriate steps to address that. I want to talk today about ATP.

What is ATP?

The body itself is such a unique organism. Because of its uniqueness, it takes and requires so much energy just to maintain proper functioning. Oftentimes, we underfuel our bodies to such a degree that we stumble through our day and over the course of years and decades, this will eventually start to catch up and you start to get into this very energy-deficient state.†   

Why Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinol Is So Important – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 233. Listen Now >>

The form of energy that we consider to be the energy currency of the cells is known as ATP, which is adenosine triphosphate. This is the primary source of energy for use and storage at that cellular level. We’re talking about all cells throughout the body.†  

What ATP actually is is a nucleoside triphosphate, which means it consists of a base, which is the adenine, a ribose sugar and these three bonded phosphate groups. We generally just refer to this as the main energy all cells produce within the mitochondria.†  

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In addition to providing energy, we also recognize that ATP serves a whole slew of different functions within the cell, including the proper signaling of the DNA and RNA synthesis. This is very important. If we’re lacking that ATP, that’s going to impact the way that the cells themselves can replicate and the information is passed along. If we’re screwing up DNA and RNA synthesis, then that means that that is going to become problematic for us.†   

When we look at all the different functions of different cellular systems, like cellular respiration and oxidation, there are different ways in which ATP is utilized in that source of energy to really control and regulate these multiple catabolic mechanisms that actually occur within each cell. We know that we require an awful lot of ATP each and every single day to ensure proper functioning. If we’re not getting proper nutrients from our diet, we’re not getting adequate sleep, we’re not hydrated and all the different things, we can see how the cells can start to struggle over time, which can become incredibly problematic.†  

Supplementing with ATP

What’s very, very interesting is that, through scientific advancements, we have gotten to the point where we can actually now utilize ATP in an oral supplementation form. This is very good for a multitude of different reasons.† 

Do You Have A Nutrient Deficiency? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 201. Listen Now >>

Number one, if we are in a state that we know that we are probably energy-deficient, if we have high stress or if we have any type of chronic disease state, then we know that we probably need to get some additional ATP on board. 95% of energy in the body requires ATP. This is why, when we look at chronic disease states, oftentimes people will complain about feeling fatigued or lethargic. We are seeing this more and more often in people who are “healthy,” but they still feel like they are lacking energy.† 

We have studied ATP in the setting of exercise science and recognizing that when you add in oral supplementation of ATP, this can really be beneficial for exercise by helping to enhance the muscle mass and strength and also support the overall health of the muscles themselves.†  

Then, we can kind of fast forward and consider that, if ATP is good for someone who’s working out, then it would probably be beneficial for someone who’s experiencing age-related muscle mass loss. Indeed, they have studied ATP supplementation for that as well.†       

Tune into the full podcast episode for more research on the benefits of ATP supplementation.

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