Tag: mental health

Sugar and Mental Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 429

Sugar and Mental Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 429

Studies have shown that the amount of sugar you consume can impact your mental health. This is incredibly true in the US, where the standard diet is overwhelmed by processed and sugary foods.

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help with Pandemic-Related Depression? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 372

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help with Pandemic-Related Depression? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 372

The events of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused more people to experience issues with depression and anxiety. Learn about how omega-3 fatty acids can help with these issues from Amanda Williams, MPH.

Phosphatidylserine for Memory and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 329

Phosphatidylserine for Memory and Brain Health – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 329


Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Jerry Hickey, Ph.

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There’s a nutrient found in your brain called phosphatidylserine. It is very important for the health of the brain, the way the brain functions, the memory and the ability to learn. Unfortunately, the level of phosphatidylserine declines with age, which can impact people’s ability to learn and remember things such as names, dates and tasks.† 

Phosphatidylserine in the body

There is about two ounces of phosphatidylserine in the human body, but half of it is in the brain. This shows you how important this nutrient is in the brain because you need the same amount for your brain as you do for the rest of the body.†

In the brain, phosphatidylserine is located in the phospholipid bilayer. Its tail points out towards the tail of another phospholipid called phosphatidylcholine. Together, these tails create vibrations that occur millions of times per minute, which is basically the life of the brain cells. It’s very important for the brain cells to communicate because this is what initiates and creates the various body functions.†  


Phosphatidylserine is also needed to build and recycle mitochondria, which convert sugar and oxygen into energy. This nutrient takes old mitochondria and recycles them into new, functioning mitochondria so your brain has plenty of energy, even into late old age.† 

Supplementing for brain health

The problem is that by the age of 30, your phosphatidylserine starts to decline in the membrane of your brain cells, causing the cells to stiffen. This affects your ability to pay attention, your ability to focus, your mood and more. But phosphatidylserine is not in any food to any degree, so it is important to turn to supplementation. Research has shown that giving people about 300mg of phosphatidylserine every morning with their breakfast helps to promote memory functions and the ability to learn.† 


In this podcast episode, Jerry Hickey, Ph. talks about the importance of phosphatidylserine and how it impacts brain functions including memory, learning and mood. He shares various studies about the usage of this nutrient in the brain and provides tips for promoting your memory and brain health.† 

Key Topics: 

  • The role of phosphatidylserine throughout the body
  • The anatomy of brain cells 
  • How brain cells communicate
  • Some studies on patients with memory issues

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All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

All About Vitamin B6 – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 328

Vitamin B6 Invite Health Podcast, Episode hosted by Amanda Williams, MPH Subscribe Today! B vitamins play a really important role when it comes to supporting energy levels, metabolism, heart health, brain health and so many more systems that are crucial for the everyday functions of 

The Real Impact of Pandemic-Related Stress and Anxiety – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 206

The Real Impact of Pandemic-Related Stress and Anxiety – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 206

There have been a slew of scientific research studies looking at the implications of the stress and anxiety in just this month alone.

How Stress At Work Impairs Mental Health

How Stress At Work Impairs Mental Health

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Do you feel overwhelming stress at work? A new study published in the journal Lancet Psychiatry set out to research whether or not the intensity of a high-pressured work environment can lead to common mental health issues like anxiety and depression. This study suggests that it can.

Mental Health in the United States

The Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA) Stress & Anxiety Disorders Survey reports that most working Americans experience stress or anxiety both at work and at home, which can interfere with everyday functioning. They found that stress and anxiety most often impacts the employee’s workplace performance by 56%, relationship with coworkers and peers by 51%, quality of work by 50%, and relationships with superiors by 43%.

According to the World Health Organization’s Department of Health and Substance Dependence, “Stress at work can cause poor health and can increase rates of work-related injuries and accidents.

So, what exactly are the leading causes of these issues? Some potential causes of work-related stress are overwork, lack of clear instructions, unrealistic deadlines, lack of decision-making, job insecurity, isolated working conditions, surveillance, and inadequate child-care arrangements.”

The National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that 16.2 million people in the U.S. have experienced major depression at least once in the past year. Over 19% of the entire U.S population is estimated to have had an anxiety disorder in the past year.

Feeling burnout and stress? Here are the self-care practice you need to know!

Stress on the Job

The research, led by associate professor Samuel Harvey from the Black Dog Institute in Sydney, Australia, examined the impact of job stain, defined as “a combination of low job control and high job demands”, on mental health and general employee wellness. People have also seen how work-related stress can have an impact on their family relationships. Sometimes work-related stress can cause a stress-related illness such as depression or heart problems.

Harvey and his colleagues analyzed data from 6,870 individuals enrolled in the UK’s National Child Development Study. They focused on whether people who experienced a high level of job strain at age 45 would go on to develop mental health issues by age 50. To determine job strain, the participants answered questions about their decision-make abilities at work and their ability to use their skills at their discretion to answer questions about workload, work place and other demands the job entailed.

Overall, by the age of 50, the study participants who had experienced higher job strain were up to 14% more likely to develop a common form of mental illness.

“The results indicate that if we were able to eliminate job strain situations in the workplace, up to 14% of cases of common mental illness could be avoided,” explains Harvey.

Do you feel high levels of stress at work? What do you do in order to combat it? Leave us a comment below to discuss.