Tag: nutrients

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that is associated with diabetes. Diabetes as you can guess is a huge health concern. In fact in the United States in 2021 diabetes was found to be the 8th leading cause 

Glaucoma part 1

Glaucoma part 1

Glaucoma part 1 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Glaucoma is one eye condition that can become very dangerous very rapidly. If you notice symptoms that are coming on very rapidly it is imperative that you receive treatment to avoid any complications. Throughout this 2 part 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is often associated with childhood infections, as we have all probably had a classmate or even ourselves that contracted this during our school years. However, it’s not limited to childhood, as many adults contract this as well. Let’s get more familiar with what pink eye is, how it’s contracted and how to keep our eyes healthy.

So what exactly is pink eye? Simply put, it’s an infection that is typically caused by either a virus or bacteria, although it can sometimes be caused by allergies, COVID-19 or even from some STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Once contracted, pink eye is highly contagious and if you have these certain STDs or bacteria’s in your body when giving birthing, its possible the baby can contract pink eye soon after birth.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The American Academy of Ophthalmology, we know that there are three types of pink eye. Having an understanding of the different types of pink eye can help you to identify it easier, figure out how you may have contracted it, how to aid in clearing it up and also when to seek out a doctor for possible treatment.

Viral conjunctivitis is caused by a virus and is the most common form of pink eye. It is usually caused by cold and sore throat viruses and is highly contagious. This is the form that is thought of when one hears pink eye, as it is typically spread around schools. It can cause redness, irritation and watering in the eye(s).

Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by a bacteria that has infected the eye(s), is highly contagious and is similar to the bacteria that causes strep throat. It can be seen in newborn babies, particularly soon after birth. It can also be caused by such things as contacts lenses, makeup or makeup brushes. You’ll probably have sore red eyes and see more of a gooey discharge and/or crusting of the eye(s) and/or eyelashes.

Allergic conjunctivitis is cause by an allergy irritant and isn’t contagious. Some allergies that may cause itchy, red eyes would be, but not limited to, cigarette smoke, animal dander or environmental allergies and pollen. While this is an inconvenience, it’s not as disruptive as the viral or bacterial forms and can be managed well.

There are many signs and symptoms to be aware of if you think you are experiencing pink eye, aside from a red or pink hue on the whites of the eye(s). Other signs to be aware of may include swelling or puffiness, itchy or irritated eye(s), excessive watery eye(s) and/or a discharge from the eye(s). Another common sign is waking up to find a crust formed around the eye(s) and/or eyelashes. This may even cause the eye(S) to be “glued” shut. I like to recommend applying a warm washcloth to help breakup the crust and wipe it away.

Pink eye typically heals itself without visits to a doctor. However there are a few things that can be done to ease the symptoms and make the time it takes to clear up easier. It is advised to discontinue wearing eye makeup until pink eye clears up and if you wear contacts, try switching to glasses for a while. Applying a warm, damp washcloth to the eyes can be helpful. Contact your doctor if you experience such issues, but not limited to, pain, puss, light sensitivity, fever or if you’re not seeing improvement in a few days. Try to avoid touching the eye area.

Biocurcumin can be helpful for pink eye as it is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. This is important to help reduce the inflammation and puffiness that often accompanies pick eye. This can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful or itchy, so managing this inflammation can make recovery an easier process.

Quercetin is an antioxidant that has shown to be helpful when it comes to healthy eyes. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties that it offers.













APRIL HEALTH AWARENESS~ AN INTODUCTION TO OUR TOPIC OF THE MONTH By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   April is an interesting month when it comes to health and wellness. It’s Public Health Awareness Month, but as always, awareness months are always sharing and overlapping. 

The Greatness of Green Tea!!!

The Greatness of Green Tea!!!

The Greatness of Green Tea!!! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Green tea is everywhere these days! Green tea is found in everything from tea bags to lattes and even ice cream! But as we all know these forms are chock full of sugar and additives 

The Common Cold!

The Common Cold!

The Common Cold!

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Today we will be talking about something everyone knows about and that topic is the common cold! Having a cold is probably one thing that both children and adults understand. But what cause’s a cold? Well when you have a cold you are actually suffering from a virus, in most cases it is a Rhinovirus. When we talk about upper respiratory infections the common cold is an example of what we mean. How do we catch a cold? Well the virus enters our body through the eyes, nose and mouth. Like most viruses it travels on droplets in the air that are released when someone coughs, sneezes or even just talks!  When someone who is sick touches an object or even shakes your hand the virus gets on that object. If you touch it and then touch your eyes, mouth or nose BAM the virus can infect you too!

Exposure is probably one of the largest risk factors for getting a cold.  It is one of the reasons why people are encouraged to stay home if they are sick. Having a weakened immune system is also a risk factor. Having a history of smoking or being exposed to 2nd hand smoke also increases your risk of getting a cold. Infants and young children are also at a higher risk of catching a cold.

What are the symptoms of a cold? While I know most people can probably list these all by heart I just want to do a quick reminder of what they are.  Usually in 1-3 days after exposure to the virus symptoms can start and they can include runny/stuffy nose, sneezing, sore/ scratchy throat, cough, low grade fever, headache and even just plain old “I don’t feel good”. (1) Unfortunately the common cold isn’t the only virus that can cause these symptoms. I’ve included a chart that compares them! (2)

Now while most people recover from a cold within a few days – a week there can be complications that occur. These can include sinus or ear infections. There may also be acute bronchitis. If you have asthma or emphysema or chronic bronchitis the symptoms can get worse. You may develop a cough that lingers after infections. (3)

While most people with a cold don’t need to see a doctor sometimes it’s necessary. For children up to 12 weeks if there is a fever of 100.4 degrees it’s a good idea to see their doctor. In older children if there is a rising fever or fever lasting more than 2 days, if there is any trouble with breathing, wheezing, ear pain, or just intense symptoms as well as unusual  fatigue or fuzziness it can also be a good idea to see their doctor. Lastly if there is a change in appetite it’s important to see their doctor. In adults it’s a good ideas to see a doctor if there is a fever over 101.3 degrees that lasts more than 3 days, if the fever returns after being gone or there is shortness of breath, wheezing or the symptoms unusually severe. (1) If there is a high fever in either children or adults it may be a good idea to see your doctor. (3)

When it comes to a cold prevention is key! And that starts with 1 simple word- hygiene! Wash your hands and clean frequently touched surfaces. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneezes or cough. If your sick stay home! Don’t share glasses or eating utensils. If you can stay away from those that are sick. (1) It is also helpful to make sure that your environment is not too dry so that your sinus don’t dry out which would leave you at risk for a cold. (3) It’s always a good ideas to help boost our immunity. In that case what can we do to boost our immunity?

  • Tea: One of my favorite things to do for a sore throat is to make a tea with lemon, honey and turmeric with ginger. To make this simply add 1 or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey and the contents of 2 capsules of Turmeric with Ginger to herbal tea. Please see Invite’s Turmeric with Ginger!
  • Olive Leaf Extract has been found in studies to be antiviral. (4) This means that it kills the virus that causes infections such as the common cold. Please see Invite’s Olive Leaf Extract and Renalaid.
  • NAC is another great choice! As I have said in my prior blogs one of the benefits of NAC is that it can help to thin the mucus that often is associated with colds. (5) Please see Invite’s NAC, Daily Detox and Detox Hx
  • Black Seed has been found to help with symptoms such as runny nose, itchy nose and rhinitis. (6) Please see Invite’s Black Seed with Rosemary and Cordyceps formula. Also for more information on Black Seed see my blog on this exciting supplement!
  • For more information on immune boosting supplements that I always recommend during cold season please check on my blogs on Beta Immunity and Immunity Hx.
  • Next week we will be talking about Mushroom Hx


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/symptoms-causes/syc-20351605
  2. https://www.nfid.org/resource/how-to-tell-the-difference-between-flu-rsv-covid-19-and-the-common-cold/
  3. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/facts-about-the-common-cold
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9953111/#B4-biomolecules-13-00238
  5. https://clinicaltrials.ucsf.edu/trial/NCT03822637#:~:text=Historically%2C%20studies%20of%20mucolytics%2C%20like,those%20with%20significant%20mucus%20impaction.
  6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0196070910001407