Tag: anti aging

Alcar with ALA Capsules

Alcar with ALA Capsules

Alcar with ALA Capsules Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   One of the most popular products here at Invite Health has always been our Alcar with ALA formula. If you have been using Invite’s Alcar with ALA you may notice some changes to it! Now the 

From a Naturopaths Point of View Part 2

From a Naturopaths Point of View Part 2

From a Naturopaths Point of View Part 2 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Third Party Consultations One of the things we almost always mention is how you can call Invite for a consultation with a qualified nutritionist. You can even go to the website and 

Green Tea, our most common questions!!!

Green Tea, our most common questions!!!

Green Tea, our most common questions!!!

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Green Tea is probably one supplement that everyone has heard of! It’s probably been written about by almost everyone, including me!  So why write about it again you ask? Well it’s recently come to my attention that even though green tea has been written about a million times before people still have unanswered questions. S o I figured this would be a great time to review some of these commonly asked questions!

Let’s start with the most common question, shall we? Is green tea safe to use? In a meta-analysis looking at the effects of green tea on the liver it was found that not only is green tea safe it “reduced the risk of liver disease”. (1) According to the cancer research UK website green tea is safe for humans to use. (2) So yes both studies and my own clinical experience show me that green tea is safe to use!

Another common question I get asked is about blood pressure. Many people call and ask if it’s safe to use green tea if they have high blood pressure. My first question would be do you have a sensitivity to caffeine? If the answer is no then great Invite has a form both with and without caffeine. If you are not sensitive then either form is fine for you. If you are sensitive then Invite’s liquid extract would be better choice since it’s caffeine free and studies show that caffeine free green tea is perfectly safe for those with high blood pressure. (3)

The next question I get asked about green tea is it safe if I’m on blood thinners? Well it’s a bit complicated. For this blog I’ll stick to Coumadin or warfarin. Remember if you have any questions you can always reach out to a qualified Invite nutritionist. But let’s get back to the topic, shall we? Green tea normally contains Vitamin K which can interfere with Coumadin. (4) Invite Health’s Green Tea Tx liquid extract is free of Vitamin K! So yes it is safe to use.

Moving on to one of my last questions. If I have cancer should I be using green tea alongside my conventional treatment? This is a complex question. Numerous studies have found green tea may have anti-cancer benefits. (5) Part of the reason that green tea has so many benefits is that it contains powerful antioxidants.  While this is fantastic for our health before and even after cancer treatment it can be a concern if green tea is used during treatments. Studies have found that using antioxidants can protect cancer cells and render the treatments not as effective as they should be. (6) For anyone with a personal or family history of cancer adding green tea can be a great idea. (5) It is just better to use it after treatments are complete, not during them.

Last but not least how can you incorporate Invite’s green tea into your day? Invite’s Green Tea Hx capsules can be taken with your daily supplements. Green Tea Tx liquid can be added to many things! For example you can add it to plain water to increase your water intake. You can also mix it into juice, tea and even smoothies! As I always say be creative.

Our next topic will be how to deal with low energy during cancer and cancer treatments.


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4538013/
  2. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/treatment/complementary-alternative-therapies/individual-therapies/green-tea
  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021915012004522
  4. https://www.staugustine.com/story/lifestyle/2019/01/05/dr-roach-tea-normally-safe-with-warfarin/6377064007/
  5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464620303960
  6. https://www.oncolink.org/cancer-treatment/radiation/support/supplement-use-during-radiation-therapy

Cerebral Care

Cerebral Care

Cerebral Care Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to take the time to talk about one of my favorite formulas for our memory and brain health. This formula is called Cerebral Care. But what is it about this formula that I like so much? 

The Greatness of Green Tea!!!

The Greatness of Green Tea!!!

The Greatness of Green Tea!!! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Green tea is everywhere these days! Green tea is found in everything from tea bags to lattes and even ice cream! But as we all know these forms are chock full of sugar and additives 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


Fruit is one of those groups that we all know and love. In my experience, it’s always that food that most people don’t seem to have problems getting into their daily diet. However, let’s explore this delicious group further.

What exactly is a fruit? Britannica defines it as ‘a fruit is the fleshy or dry ripened ovary of a flowering plant, enclosing the seed or seeds’. While we are familiar with the traditional types of fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges and strawberries this definition broadens this association. Such foods like tomatoes, zucchini, squash and eggplant also fall under this definition.

The amount and type of fruit may change depending on one’s wellness goals and health issues. However, on average, it is recommended by the USDA (Unites States Department of Agriculture) that adults should consume 1.5-2 servings of fruits per day. The general rule is that a serving is a cup of fresh fruit or juice or 1/2 cup of dried fruit. Keep in mind that this may slightly differ depending on what fruit you are eating.

So, why is fruit so important? Fruits contain essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A and C, potassium and calcium. They are also a source of fiber and help to support a healthy immune system as well as our digestion and heart. It is also easy to consume as fruit is incredibly versatile. It can be eaten raw, in a salad, cooked (some of them), added to a smoothie or even used in a concentrated powder form.

REDS Hx: This is made up of a wide variety of fruits and berries. Due to this having a low sugar content, it can be safe for those watching their blood sugar. It is perfect to add to water, plain yogurt, smoothies or plain oatmeal.

PURPLES Hx: This is similar to Reds Hx, but mainly consists of dark produce such as black cheery, blueberries, blackberries and elderberry. It can be used the same way as the Reds Hx and is the perfect complement to combine together.

ORANGES Hx: This is a great option for someone that may not like citrus or sweet, pale tropical fruits. These fruits tend to be have more of an acidic taste and can sometimes be harder for people to eat. This powder delicious and sweet in flavor, all while supplying essential nutrients like vitamins A, C and riboflavin. Try adding a scoop of this daily to water or plain Greek yogurt for a yummy and nutritious treat.



1 cup plain Greek Yogurt

1 scoop Purples Hx

1 scoop Reds Hx

1 teaspoon raw honey

Mix all ingredients together until well combined. Freeze for 6-8 hours, or overnight. Transfer to a bowl and garnish with fresh berries. Eat as a snack or dessert and enjoy!



1 cup plain Greek yogurt

1 scoop Oranges Hx

1/2 Tablespoon unsweetened coconut flakes

1 teaspoon raw honey

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Mix all ingredients together until well combined. Freeze for 6-8 hours, or overnight. Transfer to a bowl and garnish with fresh berries. Eat as a snack or dessert and enjoy!



