Tag: nutrition

From a Naturopathic Point of View Part 4

From a Naturopathic Point of View Part 4

From a Naturopathic Point of View Part 4 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   The importance of western and holistic medicine working together! One of the key pathways to helping people become healthy is learning how to balance both western and holistic medicine. These 2 ways 

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil

Krill Oil vs Fish Oil Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   One of the most confusing topic’s in the vitamin world is the difference between krill oil and fish oil. I get asked pretty much all the time what exactly is the difference between the 2. 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


There are so many different terms when deciding what to eat that it can be confusing. There are also many different opinions on what is good for you and what to avoid, depending on who you ask. Let’s go over the most common terms and get an understanding of what exactly they are, that way you can make the best choice for you and your wellness goals.

ORGANIC is probably one of the most widely known and sometimes misunderstood wellness terms. You will usually find organic is also non-GMO, however it’s often not noting as both on a label.  There are many ways for something to be considered organic, as well as different classifications of organic. These classifications include 100% organic, organic, made with organic and organic ingredients. To be certified organic, there is a specific process that is involved. Farmers keep detailed records and must adhere to strict guidelines to have an organic certification, as the product should be easily traced “from farm to table”. Some of these guidelines include, but are not limited to, quality of soil, water and feed (for livestock), living space (for livestock), appropriate vaccines and the absence of antibiotics, hormones and pesticides.

NON-GMO is a food or product that has not been genetically modified. These foods or products are as in a pure form as they are intended to be in nature. They are free of being genetically altered which may have negative effects on our health and well-being.  Invite Health products are NON-GMO and they ALL  go through a high standard of quality control testing and are cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) certified.

CONVENTIONAL is also often referred to as GMO (genetically modified) foods. Some of the most common foods and ingredients on the market that are genetically modified include corn, canola oil and soybeans. Conventional foods or products often are contaminated with such things as pesticides which can be a contributing factor to some diseases. GMOs may be a contributing factor in increasing ones risk of such health related issues like allergies and cancer.

Green Tea Tx is a concentrated green tea. It is both organically sourced, non-GMO and decaffeinated. Green tea is a powerful antioxidant that can be beneficial for a wide variety of health concerns. It has been shown to help lower risk of heart disease, is helpful for diabetics and supports weight loss. Green tea is also good for healthy skin as it has anti-inflammatory benefits. I like to add 2-4 droppers to a glass of water each day.

Organic Greens Plus Hx is a powder that can be added to water for easy consumption each day. It supplies organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, fiber and even a probiotic blend. It provides nourishment and digestive support for optimal wellness. I like to recommend a scoop in water in the afternoon as a “pick-me-up” treat.

I hope this has cleared up some of these terms as to what they actually mean and how they may effect ones health. In my experience, I choose non-GMO (first) and organic (second) when it’s available. However, it’s not a perfect system. I do always recommend whole, real foods as opposed to processed. For example, I’d rather someone use conventional fresh vegetables instead of organic canned vegetables. One’s personal budget is to be considered as well. For instance, using conventional ingredients for meals would be better than the organic and/or non-GMO processed foods. While fresh non-GMO and/or organic is best, I always recommend conventional, even if it’s GMO, fresh fruit over the organic cookies. This is a great example of where “just because it’s organic, doesn’t mean it’s better or even healthy”. How will you incorporate these terms into your daily wellness plan?










From A Naturopaths Point of View Part 3

From A Naturopaths Point of View Part 3

From A Naturopaths Point of View Part 3 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Self-diagnosis? One of the most integral parts of a consult with an Invite nutritionist t is knowing exactly what is going on in your body. In other words it’s important to see 

From a Naturopaths Point of View Part 2

From a Naturopaths Point of View Part 2

From a Naturopaths Point of View Part 2 Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   Third Party Consultations One of the things we almost always mention is how you can call Invite for a consultation with a qualified nutritionist. You can even go to the website and 

Gluco Hx

Gluco Hx

Gluco Hx

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


When it comes to helping someone regulate their blood sugar one of my favorite supplements is Gluco Hx. But why is this such a great product? Well let’s get into it, shall we? To start with Gluco Hx is a combination of things that studies show are helpful for regulating blood sugar. In addition to helping blood sugar quite a few of the items in Gluco Hx have other benefits I’ll be talking about.

Chromium is the first nutrient in Gluco Hx. Studies have found that chromium is helpful in reducing insulin resistance and in improving glucose control. Chromium picolinate, the form found in Gluco Hx has been found to be the most effective form for helping with our blood sugar. (1) In addition to helping with blood sugar chromium has been found to help decrease both total cholesterol and LDL levels. Interestingly chromium use is also associated with an increase in HDL, or the good cholesterol. (2) Chromium has been found to help with metabolic syndrome. (3) Studies have also found that chromium can help to regulate blood sugar and cholesterol in those with PCOS. (4) Studies have even found that adding chromium can help improve weight loss and reduce body fat. (4) As you can see chromium has many health benefits!

Alpha Lipoic Acid is another nutrient that is found in Gluco Hx. Studies have found a few benefits to ALA. To start with according to Mount Sinai ALA can lower our blood sugar levels. (5) Studies have found that using ALA can help to reduce insulin resistance. (6) Studies have also found that ALA can help reduce the pain and discomfort associated with neuropathy. (7) This is important since neuropathy is a common complication of high blood sugar.

Gymnema is another nutrient that you will find in Gluco Hx. Studies have found that using gymnema appears to reduce intestinal absorption of sugar. (8) Studies have also found that gymnema can help to reduce blood sugar when used after a meal which results in overall lower blood sugar over time. (9) Gymnema may also stimulate insulin production. (10) Lastly gymnema has been found to help promote healthy cholesterol levels and even help with weight loss. (11) Overall gymnema is a very helpful nutrient for our overall health.

Bitter Melon has a funny name but studies have found it to be very helpful for blood sugar. In fact studies have found that after only 12 weeks of use bitter melon can lower blood sugar in those who are diagnosed with prediabetes. (12) The next nutrient is Fenugreek. When most people think of fenugreek they think of digestive health. But did you know fenugreek is also good for other health concerns as well. In fact studies have found that adding fenugreek can help reduce fasting blood sugar. It’s also been found to help improve glucose tolerance. Lastly studies find that fenugreek can help regulate cholesterol levels. (13) The very last nutrient in Gluco Hx is a mineral called Vanadium. Studies have found that it is very good for blood sugar and even cholesterol levels. (14)

Overall Gluco Hx is a powerful support for those who need help with blood sugar. How do you know if you need this help? The best way to know is to get blood work done. In my clinical experience Gluco Hx is what I call a therapeutic nutrient that you use if you need it. It’s not like a multi that you use for overall general wellness.  To determine if Gluco Hx is right for you feel free to reach out to an Invite Nutritionist!  Our next topic will be why it is not always appropriate to do what we call third party consultations.


  1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15208835/
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1002252/
  3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30855110/
  4. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Chromium-HealthProfessional/
  5. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/supplement/alpha-lipoic-acid#:~:text=Alpha%2Dlipoic%20acid%20can%20lower,not%20take%20alpha%2Dlipoic%20acid
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9824456/
  7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9774895/
  8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27834124/
  9. https://www.diabetesincontrol.com/effect-of-extended-release-gymnema-sylvestre-leaf-extract-beta-fast-gxr/
  10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24166097/
  11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15056124/
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10050654/
  13. https://www.diabetes.co.uk/natural-therapies/fenugreek.html
  14. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9823013/