Tag: protein powder

Protein Powders

Protein Powders

Protein Powders Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND Invite health has a number of different type of protein powders. These include a whey based protein, a plant based protein and even a weight management powder that can help improve our overall nutrition.  That being said why is 



PROTEIN (POWDER): THE IMPORTANT NUTRIENT WE ALL KNOW By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   Protein is that nutrient that everyone knows and everyone loves. But how well do we know all the proteins available? Let’s navigate through one of our favorite foods and discuss 

Are You Looking For Weight Loss Tips & Tricks? – InVite Health Podcast Episode 548

Are You Looking For Weight Loss Tips & Tricks? – InVite Health Podcast Episode 548

weight loss

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Are You Looking For Weight Loss Tips & Tricks? – InViteⓇ Health Podcast Episode 548

Hosted by Allie Might,  INHC

*Intro music*

InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro: Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed healthcare professionals are excited to offer you the most important health and wellness information you need to make informed choices about your health. You can learn more about the products discussed in each of these episodes and all that InViteⓇ Health has to offer at www.invitehealth.com/podcast. First time customers can use promo code PODCAST at checkout for an additional 15% off your first purchase. Let’s get started!†

*Intro music*

Allie Might, INHC: [00:00:41] Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where today we will discuss the age old question. Is there a magic pill for weight loss? This is Allie Might, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and functional medicine coach ready to help you shed those extra pounds. There are so many options out there when it comes to weight loss supplements. My go to’s include a protein powder, a probiotic, green tea, and then the one I’m asked about a lot as it’s the new trendy weight loss supplement apple cider vinegar. Why do I like a protein powder for weight loss? It’s because I incorporate it as a meal replacement. Like many kids, I grew up eating those yummy, sweet breakfasts. As an adult, it’s just not possible to start our day that way anymore without risking packing on the pounds. So what do we do? Try a bananas foster French toast shake. Blend water, vanilla protein powder, a half a banana, a tablespoon of organic pure maple syrup, a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and a half a teaspoon of cinnamon. All the flavor and satisfaction, but just a fraction of the fat, calories and sugar. My replacement shakes are always my go to to start my day. † [00:02:03]


[00:02:05] Most people don’t think of a probiotic as an aid for weight loss. We typically associate this with our gut and our immune system. But how does it help with weight loss? Well, there’s a specific strain of probiotic called bifidobacterium breve – B3 that has been shown to help reduce body fat in studies. Adding something like our Probiotic HxⓇ Weight to your daily supplement regimen can help you start shedding some extra pounds. I’m someone who can not have a conversation about weight loss without talking about green tea. We know that there are many benefits associated with green tea as it’s a powerful antioxidant. But research has taught us about some of the components found in green tea. These are catechins and EGCG. They are helpful in the weight loss process because they can help our body to burn fat and increase our metabolism. So does the green tea that one would use matter? Well, of course it does. All the boxes of green tea, whether it’s tea bags or the loose tea, are yummy and comforting. They aren’t concentrated enough to be able to reap all of the benefits. Look for concentrated green tea in either capsule or liquid form. Personally, I like the concentrated liquid because I can add it to my water, which not only gives my water a nice flavor, but it also helps me get in extra water throughout the day.† [00:03:36]


[00:03:38] There always seems to be the trendy weight loss product that saturates the media outlets. Right now we’ve been hearing all about apple cider vinegar or ACD. We’re familiar with ACD as it’s common in dressings and marinades. However, is it here to stay for weight loss? Well, I believe it is, especially when it’s used in the right capacity. Studies have shown it can be helpful in losing some extra pounds. It is also helpful in increasing temperature in our body as well as burning more fat and to help build lean muscle mass.† [00:04:14]


[00:04:15] So is there really a magic pill? By itself no, however, weight loss supplements can be very effective when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program. For more information on this topic, check out my companion blog on our Website, invitehealth.com You can also contact me, Allie Might, at our uptown location on Second Avenue and 71st Street by phone at 2122492036 or email me at [email protected]. I want to thank you for tuning in to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. Remember, you can find all our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting InviteHealth.com/Podcast. Please make sure that you subscribe and leave us a review. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, at InViteⓇ Health, and we will see you next time for another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. Until then, stay healthy. † [00:04:15]

*Exit music*

Exercise-Enhancing Nutrients – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 438

Exercise-Enhancing Nutrients – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 438

Do you know which nutrients your body needs before and after you exercise? It can depend on the person. Learn about some important nutrients for energy production and muscle recovery from Amanda Williams, MPH.

What to Do When your Superfood and Protein Shakes Become Boring

What to Do When your Superfood and Protein Shakes Become Boring

Photo by Jose Soriano on Unsplash Making the same protein shake every morning or before your workout can get boring pretty fast. Shake up your routine by adding superfood powers like Cocoa Hx®, Greens Hx® and Collagen Hx® and InVite®’s Whey Protein Powders into these 

High-Protein Granola Bar Recipe with InVite® Whey Protein Powder

High-Protein Granola Bar Recipe with InVite® Whey Protein Powder

Granola bars are the perfect go-to breakfast options when you need something fast and hearty. But many granola options in your local supermarkets are full of processed, sugary ingredients. Loaded with hearty oats, pumpkin seeds and blueberries (to name a few), these naturally sweet granola bars are packed with antioxidants and protein. But not just any protein! InVite®’s Vanilla Whey Protein Powder is a non-GMO isolate protein powder. Here’s the recipe –

protein powder


  1. Preheat your oven to 350F. Line a baking pan with a sheet of parchment paper, leaving a few inches of overhang on the sides to allow for easy removal.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the oats, protein powder, flax, and salt. Set aside the mixture.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine the almond butter, honey, almond milk, and vanilla, mixing until fully combined. Pour the wet mix into the dry ingredients and stir until fully incorporated. Finally, stir in the seeds and organic blueberries.
  4. Pour the mixture into your prepared baking pan and use your hands to spread the mixture evenly in the pan, pressing down firmly.
  5. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until the center has set and the edges begin to turn golden brown. Remove the bars from the oven and let them cool in the pan for 20 minutes before cutting them into individual bars. Store them at room temperature for up to 5 days, in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, or in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Source: http://www.runningwithspoons.com

InVite®’s Vanilla Whey Protein Powder

According to Nicole Crane, B.S., NTP, former Director of Nutrition for InVite® Health, whey protein is a dairy protein and it ranks very high in terms of quality and digestability. Whey is considered a “perfect” protein, which means it contains all of the essential amino acids that our bodies cannot make and must get from dietary sources. Whey protein is rich in two amino acids, glutamine and leucine, that make it particularly helpful for rebuilding muscle. Glutamine makes up about 60% of the amino acids in our muscle and serves as an essential source of fuel for muscle cells, giving them energy, power and strength. The essential amino acid, leucine, is a branch chain amino acid with powerful muscle stimulating properties. This makes leucine and whey protein a powerful ally in the fight against muscle loss.

The benefits of whey are numerous, beyond muscle protection, repair and rebuilding. Whey has been shown to support weight loss, especially of fat tissue, mainly through muscle building and balancing of blood glucose (sugar) levels. Further, whey was shown to be more satiating than soy protein or casein, helping subjects feel fuller for longer, leading to reduced food cravings. Whey also supported a greater loss of body weight and lead to a reduction in overall daily caloric intake.viii Whey protein may be a dieter’s best friend and an ideal replacement for sugary beverages or even breakfast.

Questions about Whey Protein Powder? Leave Scientific Director and Pharmacist, Jerry Hickey a comment.