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Complete Eye Support with Macula Advanced!

Complete Eye Support with Macula Advanced!

Complete Eye Support with Macula Advanced! Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   When someone calls and asks about a product for eye health one of the first things I recommend is our Macula Advanced. Personally in my opinion Macula Advanced really hits all the marks. Not 



PINK EYE~ IT’S NOT JUST A CHILDHOOD INFECTION By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is often associated with childhood infections, as we have all probably had a classmate or even ourselves that contracted this during our school years. However, it’s 

Vision Health

Vision Health

Vision Health

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


Vision or eye health is a topic that affects both men and women of all ages. However it can also be one of the most confusing topics. There are so many different options when it comes to keeping our vision up to par. Everything from glasses, contacts and even corrective eye surgery. But while these options may help to improve vision what can we do to help with our overall eye health?  Is there anything that can help improve our eyesight naturally? These are just some of the questions I get asked almost daily when it comes to our eye health. I wanted to take the time to review not just general eye health but some of the most common concerns that people have when it comes to our eye health.

Let’s start with the basics, shall we? One of the best things you can do is get your eyes checked regularly. And part of that process is getting a dilated eye exam. I know getting a dilated eye exam can be scary but it really is one of the best ways to check our eye health. Dilation helps your eye doctor to check for eye problems such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and even macular degeneration. It is recommended to get a dilated eye exam every 1 – 2 years if you are over 60, African American and over 40, and/ or have a family history of glaucoma or are diabetic or have high blood pressure. Now what else happens during a routine eye exam? Well an eye exam usually includes a visual acuity test (this is the part where you look at the chart and read it) as well as a visual field test which checks our peripheral vision.  There is also a test for eye muscle function where the doctor will have you follow an object with your eyes. The doctor will shine a small flashlight into your eye to check your pupils. Lastly the doctor will check your eye pressure very often by doing a tonometry test which is where the machine blows a quick puff of air onto your eye. (1)

It’s also important to acknowledge and try to reduce any of our risk factors for eye disease. For example there are certain chronic diseases that can increase the risk of eye conditions. For example diabetes and high blood pressure, being overweight/obese can all increase the risk of eye disease. Some things as we know tend to run in families. Thus knowing our family history is also important. There are also some life style choices that can help keep your eyes healthy.  First it is important to quit smoking. Smoking can harm the optic nerve and even increase the risk of certain conditions such as macular degeneration and even cataracts. It is also important to be active. If you have any underlying conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure it is important to monitor and properly address them. It is also important to eat healthy foods such as greens and fish. (2)

But what supplements have studies looked at for eye health? Well let’s review a few, shall we?

  • Lutein has been studied quite a bit over the years and studies have found that it is very helpful for our eye health. (3) Please see Invite’s Lutein Plus, and our Macula Advanced!
  • Bilberry and Fish Oil are 2 amazing nutrients when it comes to our eye health! In fact a 3 month study found that a combination of these 2 nutrients was helpful for dry eye. (4) For these 2 amazing nutrients please see Invite’s Bilberry and Macula as well as our Fish and Krill oil!
  • L Carnosine has been studies in regards to cataracts and found to be helpful in reducing their formation. (5) Please see Invite’s L Carnosine Plus
  • Our product highlight will be on a fabulous product – Macula Advanced!



Invite Health Gummies

Invite Health Gummies

Invite Health Gummies Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to take the time to talk about the new products Invite has recently released. You may have noticed something about them!  They are in a gummy form. Now I know what you’re thinking – But 



SHILAJIT~WHAT IS IT AND WHY DO YOU NEED IT? By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT   Shilajit, pronounced she-lah-jeet, is one of the most versatile nutraceuticals available. However, it is not commonly discussed and is beginning to gain traction within the wellness community. But just 




By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT


Human Papillomavirus, or HPV as it’s commonly referred to as, has been discussed quite often lately. However, do we really know what it is and how it’s spread? Having a good understanding of this newly discussed virus can help you make informed decisions regarding the health of you and your family.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is considered to now be the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI), this according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  It can be transmitted even without having any symptoms through skin-to-skin contact while engaging in any type of sexual activity. The signs can sometimes lay dormant for years before “making themselves known”. So, it can be extremely difficult to know who one contracted HVP from in the past.

One of the most common signs of HPV is the development of warts. According to the Mayo Clinic, these can range from Common Warts are raised bumps typically on the hands and fingers, Flat Warts are flat topped warts often found near the mouth, Plantar Warts can be painful and commonly show up on the on the fingers, hands or feet. Lastly is Genital Warts which is exactly what is sounds like. These warts, sometimes these show up in clusters resembling cauliflower, are found on both male and female genitalia, as well as the anus, vagina and cervix.

While there are many types of HPV, it is considered to be so researched because it can be one of, but not the only, causes of certain cancers. The article ‘HPV and Cancer Risk’ on discusses this further. We’ve learned that such cancers like anal, cervical, vaginal, penile, tongue and tonsils are of higher risk for those with HPV. They suggest opting for the HPV vaccine and the first line of defense to keep risk low.

HPV is typically diagnosed by either an HPV test or Pap Smear. If there is a positive diagnosis, don’t panic. It is believed that while it can be a risk factor in some cancers, it is often very treatable and often the body naturally fights it off. It is important to always use proper protection during sexual activity to not only protect yourself, but to protect others. Opting to have the HPV vaccine is something you can discuss with your medical provider.

I like to remind people to support their immune system with antioxidants. However, I have had a lot of success with the below supplement list for those that have received a positive diagnosis. As always, follow your doctor’s recommendations and work with a wellness practitioner (like an Invite Health nutritionist) for ongoing support.

Women’s Multi: Starting with a good base multivitamin is key. The Women’s Multi gives a foundation of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, along with some diindolylmethane (DIM) to help support healthy hormone levels. Men should try the Men’s Multi to help support healthy prostate, hormones and sexual function.

Shilajit 50 Max: This is sourced from the Himalayans and is made up of trace minerals, fulvic and humic acids. It has been long believed to help boost the body’s immune system. (More on product in a spotlight article).

Methyl-B: According to an article from MedicalNewsToday, incorporating b-vitamins such as folate and B-12 may help lower risk of cervical cancer. HPV is a risk factor for certain types of cancers, including cervical.

Probiotic Hx Women: This is a great probiotic to add for anyone that has been diagnosed with HPV. It not only supplies probiotics for the gut, but also thyme and garlic which are believed to have antiviral benefits.

Mushroom Hx: Medicinal mushrooms have been shown to be beneficial in fighting HPV, particularly Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms.

Resveratrol Max Hx: A study from PubMed titled ‘Resveratrol Against Cervical Cancer: Evidence from In Vitro and In Vivo Studies‘, Resveratrol has been shown to help reduce tumors and therefore help to improve survival.

Indole-3-Carbinol w/DIM: This is been shown in studies, reported by Cancer Cell International, that Indole-3-Carbinol and DIM may be effective in those with HPV. This study ‘3,3′-Diindolylmethane and Indole-3-Carbinol: Potential Therapeutic Molecules for Cancer Chemoprevention and Treatment via Regulating Cellular Signaling Pathways’ claims that “I3C modulates estradiol metabolism by inhibiting the production of 16α-hydroxy estrone, a genotoxic and tumor-promoting metabolite that causes inappropriate DNA synthesis. On the other hand, I3C promotes the production of 2-hydroxy estrone, a metabolite effective against hormone-dependent cancers, and inhibits papilloma growth”.

Green Tea Tx: This powerful antioxidant always amazes me. MedicalNewsToday discusses the use of home remedies and their effectiveness. They have shown that green tea may be helpful for those suffering from plantar and/or genital warts, which can be caused by HPV.

I also recommend a clean diet free of alcohol, sugar, processed foods, soy, and gluten and dairy. Focus on lean proteins, some fruits and a lot of vegetables.