From a Naturopath Point of View Part 5

From a Naturopath Point of View Part 5

From a Naturopath Point of View Part 5

Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND


You may have heard the saying that sleep and a good healthy diet are both the base of the pyramid of health.  As a Naturopath I agree with this concept 100%! But while I agree it is important I understand that the practicality of “healthy diet and proper rest” can be confusing. Let’s start with sleep, shall we?

Why is sleep so important to our overall health? Well inadequate sleep has been found to affect our overall heart health.  Those who don’t get enough sleep have a higher risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and even obesity. Studies have also found that not getting enough sleep can affect our metabolism and even hormones such as insulin, ghrelin and leptin. Additionally those who aren’t getting enough sleep are more likely to get colds and other infections. Lastly memory and brain health can be affected. (1) These are just the most common reasons that sleep is important for our overall health.

How do you know if you’re getting enough sleep? How do you know if you are getting good quality sleep? Remember it’s not just how much sleep that matters but the quality of sleep also matters. In my clinical experience I have found that the following questions can help determine if you’re getting enough, good quality sleep.  To start do you have trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep? Do you wake up feeling energized or do you feel like you “need more sleep” to fee refreshed? I have found that the answers to these questions can help determine if your sleep is both adequate in quantity and quality.  Please see the attached source to help determine how many hours of sleep are best for your age, ! (2) For more information on sleep please check out Allie Might’s blog Are you getting enough sleep part 1.

The other part of the health equation is nutrition. This is where it can get tricky. A healthy diet can look different for everyone. For some people it can be the well-known Mediterranean diet. For others it means a vegetarian diet fits their goals better. As a Naturopath I will say that while there is no “one diet” there are some things that are important to incorporate into any healthy eating plan. These of course include vegetables, some fruit, protein and healthy fats.  A healthy diet will also limit processed foods as well as added sugar. I always say the closer your food is to its original form the less processed it tends to be. What are some signs that your current eating plain is working well for you? When you are eating nutritious foods you will sleep well and have good energy. You will also find that your digestive system is working well. For example you will not have any constipation, gas, diarrhea or even bloating. You will also be less likely to get sick. If you’re eating plan is working well you will find it relatively easy to maintain a healthy weight. Your mood and even focus will be improved. Lastly, if your eating plan is working for you it will show in your annual blood tests. (3)

What are some ways to help improve sleep and nutrition?

  • Magnesium has been found in studies to help with sleep disorders. (4) I have had very good feedback from those using magnesium 1 hour before bedtime. Most report it helps with falling asleep and sleep quality. Please see Invite’s Bio Avail Magnesium, Magnesium Glycinate and Citrate!
  • Phosphatidylserine has been found to help reduce Cortisol levels. This means it can help to improve sleep. (5) In my clinical experience many people who have trouble staying asleep find that it is due to high cortisol. Therefore by reducing cortisol it can improve sleep. Please see Invite’s Phosphatidylserine.
  • L Theanine has been found to help improve sleep quality. (6) Please see Invite’s L Theanine formula.
  • For information on Invite’s Protein Powders please check out my blog on Invite’s Protein.
  • For information on Reds and Purples, both powders that in my clinical experience can help improve nutrition please see my blogs on these topics!


I hope you enjoyed this Naturopathic view of different health topics. Our next topic will be focused on an important topic, our liver and kidney health.





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