Tag: skin

Understanding Vitamin C

Understanding Vitamin C

Understanding Vitamin C Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND  In my experience everyone has heard that Vitamin C is good for our health. In fact, it’s everywhere you look these days! But while you may have heard that using vitamin C is “good for the health of 

Invite Health Gummies

Invite Health Gummies

Invite Health Gummies Dr. Claire Arcidiacono, ND   I wanted to take the time to talk about the new products Invite has recently released. You may have noticed something about them!  They are in a gummy form. Now I know what you’re thinking – But 

Yellow Magic Smoothie – Healthy & Helpful Tips with Melissa

Yellow Magic Smoothie – Healthy & Helpful Tips with Melissa

Yellow Magic Smoothie

Created By Melissa Bistricer, MS, RDN

College students can be part of the “back to school” smoothie series too! This smoothie will be geared towards all the college students, grad students, or really anyone over the age of 25 years old. Why do I single out individuals older than 25 years old? This is because collagen is naturally produced in the body, though after the age of 25 our bodies start to slow down the production of collagen. This can cause wrinkles and other skin health related issues. Collagen decreases production in the body by about 1.5% per year, which therefore means that at the age of 60, we have lost almost 50% of our supply of natural collagen.†

This smoothie is great for college students running and dashing out to class. It will give you a chance to get a fulfilling breakfast to have a successful day with the addition of adding in our Collagen HxⓇ to make sure we have collagen in our bodies and to help enhance skin, hair, nails, and joint health.†

The Collagen HxⓇ does add a vanilla flavor to the smoothie that just enhances the taste and was fabulous in my opinion! †

Yields: 1 smoothie


Smoothie Base: 

½ cup Mango, frozen

½ of a Banana, frozen

1 tsp Turmeric

1 Scoop Collagen HxⓇ

½ cup Water



Add-ins To Make It A Complete Breakfast: 

2 Tablespoons Nut Butter (peanut, almond, cashew, or sun butter)

1/2 cup Milk, Kefir, or Nut milk (almond, cashew, oat, or coconut) – instead of the water

1/2 cup Yogurt (Greek, plain unsweetened)

Steps To Making The Perfect Yellow Magic Smoothie

  • Pour all the ingredients into a blender or Vitamix and blend together until smooth and creamy.

Nutrition Facts Serving 1 smoothie base:

Calories: 157kcal                Carbohydrates: 31.5g              Protein: 9.2g                    Fat: 0.5g

Saturated Fat: 0.2g           Cholesterol: 0mg                     Sodium: 17mg                  Dietary Fiber: 4g

Sugar: 25.5g                       Vitamin C: 72%                        Calcium: 2%                     Iron: 13%

Vitamin A: 4%

Try Our Collagen Colada for The Perfect Summer Treat >> Make Now!

For more information or questions about the recipe feel free to contact [email protected]

@invitehealth Our Yellow Magic Smoothie is the perfect smoothie for students that tastes like a burst of summertime! #invitehealth #fyp #smoothie #recipe #collagen #collegelife ♬ Astro Beat – Staysee

What Supplement Is Good For Hair, Skin, Nails, And Joint Health?

What Supplement Is Good For Hair, Skin, Nails, And Joint Health?

Written By: Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT For further questions or concerns email me at [email protected] Everyone’s heard of collagen. It’s typically associated with cosmetic fillers and beauty products. However, collagen is also an essential nutrient as it is vital to every part of the body. 

What The Heck Is Collagen? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 565

What The Heck Is Collagen? – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 565

You keep hearing the buzz work Collagen? Well to learn more listen to the podcast all about collagen by Allie Might, FMC, INHC, ATT.

Summer The Mediterranean Way For Healthy Skin – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 552

Summer The Mediterranean Way For Healthy Skin – InVite Health Podcast, Episode 552


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Please see below for a complete transcript of this episode.

The Mediterranean Way For Healthy Skin In The Summer  – InViteⓇ Health Podcast, Episode 552

Hosted by Amanda Williams, MD, MPH.

*Intro music*

InViteⓇ Health Podcast Intro: Welcome to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast, where our degreed healthcare professionals are excited to offer you the most important health and wellness information you need to make informed choices about your health. You can learn more about the products discussed in each of these episodes and all that InViteⓇ Health has to offer at www.invitehealth.com/podcast. First time customers can use promo code PODCAST at checkout for an additional 15% off your first purchase. Let’s get started!†

*Intro music*

 Amanda Williams, MD, MPH. : [00:00:40] The heat of the summer is right around the corner, and for many folks, this means this is your time that you get outdoors and you are staying more active. And I have some tips for you as to how you can make sure that you’re staying hydrated and keeping your skin protected from the sun.†[00:00:55]

[00:00:56] I am Amanda Williams, MD, PMH. Scientific Director at InViteⓇ Health and I absolutely love the summer. They’ve done polling and it varies sometimes Americans as a whole really like spring, other times it’s the fall. But summer is always really consistent throughout the country. People really just enjoy that warmer weather and having more sunshine, especially if you’ve been in an area where you’re you’ve dealt with a long harsh winter. As soon as that sun comes out in the spring and the summer, you just want to get out there and you want to enjoy it. But I want to make sure that you are doing the right things to make sure that your body isn’t taking a beating in the process. And this is really important because at the end of the day if we are exposing ourselves to greater amount of U.V. radiation. We certainly don’t want to accelerate any type of photo aging or making the skin itself age quicker because of sun damage.† [00:01:58]

[00:01:58] So what should you do? Well, most of the time, people think, well, let me just lather on a bunch of SPF. Well, keep in mind that SPF, which is the most common way that people try to protect their skin from the sun, that can create a couple of problems. One, it can actually block your natural absorption of vitamin D, which can be problematic because we certainly understand that vitamin D is critical to so many functions in the human body. It’s actually a hormone so we have to make sure that we always maintain good, healthy, stable levels of vitamin D. The other thing that we know about SPF is all of the chemicals that we are then putting onto our bodies largest organ, which is our skin. So as soon as that SPF and all those chemicals start absorbing in, now your poor liver has to deal with this. So while I’m not saying don’t use SPF, I am trying to encourage you to try to find much cleaner ways to keep your skin safe and protected from the sun’s harmful rays. Because I know you want to get out there and you want to enjoy it, but you want to do it in a very healthy way.†[00:03:04]

[00:03:05] So one thing that we definitely know is that the foods that we can actually provide a natural barrier of U.V. protection. So maybe we don’t even need to run out to our local drugstore and get an SPF that’s loaded down with chemicals. Maybe if we are doing the right things when it comes to the foods that we are eating. Let me just give you an example. There was an interesting study that was published over a decade ago in the Nutritional Review Journal looking at how nutrition can actually yield sun protection. The way that they were addressing this study is analyzing areas in the world where high levels of solar radiation or UV exposure is very high. But then also correlating that to low rates of skin cancers. And in the Mediterranean region in particular, they found this to be very prevalent they found that people in the Mediterranean areas had much higher rates of exposure to UV light, but yet much lower rates of skin cancers. So melanomas, when you think about squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and so what they drew that back to was their dietary intake of antioxidants and vitamins and minerals and all of these powerful phytochemicals, in addition to omega three fatty acids.† [00:04:31]


[00:04:32] Now, certainly, there have been multiple clinical trials that have shown the importance of staying hydrated from the inside out. So with the use of things like vitamin E and Omega three fatty acids, we know that this can help create this barrier of protection for our skin. We know that UV radiation has really deleterious effects on our skin, and the more we can start to increase our omega three intake the better we do when it comes to offsetting the harmful effect of the sun’s rays. Quite interesting, right? Well, there was a study that was published in the Experimental Dermatology Journal also about a decade ago that looked specifically at this looked at omega three fatty acid intake. So when we think about fish oil or krill oil or maybe you prefer a vegetarian options such as flaxseed, we know that when people have higher intake of those very powerful and essential omega three fatty acids, this actually led to skin protection. So it made the skin less impacted by acute and chronic U.V. exposure. They’ve even done studies showing how dietary fish oil supplementation could actually eliminate or greatly reduce the likelihood of getting sunburns. Which is very interesting. We know that our foods matter. We certainly understand that if we have a strong adherence to a Mediterranean style diet, this is beneficial for every single system in the body, including your skin.† [00:06:10]

[00:06:10] So as we trend into the hotter months where your likelihood of having greater exposure to the sun’s rays, we want to make sure that our diet is also following this pattern of healthiness. So we have to make sure that we include in fresh fruits and vegetables, those green leafy vegetables, those, bright colored berries, all those powerful anthocyanins are certainly very beneficial. When you look at the individual vitamins, vitamin E and vitamin C, we know that that combination of vitamin E and. C certainly leads to a protection against that skin damage that UV rays can actually produce. So this is why we want to have that high intake of those fruits and vegetables. Dietary antioxidant intake is essential when it comes to having this photo protective ability within our skin.† [00:07:05] 


[00:07:06] And of course, we. Always have to make sure that we stay hydrated. So hydration is really quite essential. I always turn to our alkalizer powder, which is a wonderful combination of magnesium, potassium along with the amino acid beta alanine, which is incredibly nourishing to muscles that get kind of fatigued when they’re overworked. Well many times in the warmer months maybe you’re out there and you’re pushing yourself a little harder than you normally would riding your bike or running and you get home at night and you think, Oh gosh, I have muscle cramps. Well, if we start to incorporate in that alkalizer powder during those hot summer months, this many times can minimize that potential of stripping the electrolytes out of your muscles. And this is always key. So hydration has to come down to being cognizant of the fact that we have to have a good intake of water from the minute we wake up to the minute we go to bed. This is very important because during the hot, humid months we have more of a tendency to lose a lot more fluid than we actually recognize. I’m not talking about just pure out sweating. We lose a lot of that hydration and many times people aren’t quite aware of that and you can get yourself to a point where you are slightly dehydrated or worse than that fully dehydrated.† [00:08:28]

[00:08:29] And this can really lead to significant problems of electrolyte imbalances. So water, water, water, this is important. Not drinking sugary beverages so put away the sodas, the sugary juices. Those are not going to be your friend, certainly during the hot, humid months. So you can always look, as people oftentimes say, I don’t like to drink water, I don’t like the taste of water. And I always say, well, water is not supposed to have a taste, but if you are a flavor type of a person and you want to have that punch of taste, then I would certainly look at incorporating in things like the Oranges HxⓇ, or the Purples HxⓇ, which are loaded down with powerful anthocyanins coming from fruit and vegetable extracts. So we’re going to be powering up all of those vitamins and minerals, those powerful phytochemicals and antioxidants, to give our skin that protection once again from that UV damage. We know that the power of carotenoids is really essential when it comes to being able to fend off all of that harmful light. This is also true when we think about our eyes this is why things like lutein and zeaxanthin are so essential to protect our eyeballs from the blue light damage that comes off of your computer screen or from your cell phone.† [00:09:47]


[00:09:47] Well, we also want to make sure that we include foods. That are high in those carotenoids, those are your orange colored fruits and vegetables. So power up on all those green leafy vegetables, your berries, of course the orange pigmented fruits and vegetables during the summer. And stay hydrated. This is all very important to make sure that we don’t increase our chances of photo aging. We don’t want to accelerate the aging of our skin just because we want to spend some more time out in the sun.† [00:10:19]

[00:10:20] So that’s all. That I have for you for today. I want to thank you so much for tuning. In to the InViteⓇ Health Podcast. Remember, you can find all of our episodes for free wherever you listen to podcasts or by visiting invitehealth.com/podcast. Now do make sure that you subscribe and you leave a review. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at InViteⓇ Health and we will see you next time. For another episode of the InViteⓇ Health Podcast.† [00:10:20]

*Exist Music*